Which methods can be used to de identify personal information according to HIPAA?

Which methods can be used to de identify personal information according to HIPAA?

HIPAA-compliant de-identification of protected health information is possible using two methods: Safe Harbor and Expert Determination.

How do you de-identify an individual?

Common strategies include deleting or masking personal identifiers, such as personal name, and suppressing or generalizing quasi-identifiers, such as date of birth. The reverse process of using de-identified data to identify individuals is known as data re-identification.

Which is not PHI?

Examples of health data that is not considered PHI: Number of steps in a pedometer. Number of calories burned. Blood sugar readings w/out personally identifiable user information (PII) (such as an account or user name)

How do you identify Dicom images?

There are two methods to de-identify patient-related information in a DICOM header. The first method is anonymization which removes information carried by header elements or replaces the information with random data such that the remaining information cannot be used to reveal the patient identity at all.

What is the difference between de identification and anonymization?

Anonymization: The act of permanently and completely removing personal identifiers from data, such as converting personally identifiable information into aggregated data. With respect to de-identifying data, this is the individual who takes the original data and does the work to de-identify it.

What PHI can be disclosed if it has been de-identified?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule states that once data has been de-identified, covered entities can use or disclose it without any limitation. The information is no longer considered PHI, and does not fall under the same regulations and restrictions as PHI.

How do you de-identify documents?

Techniques for de-identifying data

  1. redacting information, including through pixelation in video and digital footage.
  2. aggregating data.
  3. removing some variables.
  4. coding or pseudonymising (replacing identifiers with unique, artificial codes)
  5. hashing (one-way encryption of identifiers)

What do you need to know about de identification?

This guidance is intended to assist covered entities to understand what is de-identification, the general process by which de-identified information is created, and the options available for performing de-identification.

What is the standard for de-identification of Phi?

Section 164.514 (a) of the HIPAA Privacy Rule provides the standard for de-identification of protected health information. Under this standard, health information is not individually identifiable if it does not identify an individual and if the covered entity has no reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify an individual.

What is the NISTIR 8053 de-identification tool?

NISTIR 8053 De-identification of Personal Information 1 1 Introduction. De-identification is a tool that organizations can use to remove personal information from data that they collect, use, archive, and share with other organizations.

When is an expert determination method of de-identification acceptable?

The expert determination method of de-identification is acceptable if determination is made by an expert that the risk of re-identification is “very small” when the anticipated recipients use it alone or in combination with other reasonably available information. Expert should document the methods of such analysis.

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