Who invented the Valiha?

Who invented the Valiha?

KITANAKA: How long have people been playing the valiha? ZAMBA: There are many stories about the history of the valiha, but according to oral tradition, it is said to have descended from an instrument called the “vadi” that was brought to Madagascar around the year 1600 by Indonesian or Malaysian merchants.

How is the Valiha played?

The Valiha was played during family events, such as second burials in religious festivals or concerts. The instrument is played by holding between his legs or under the arm, is played with both hands and pulling the strings with the fingers.

How many strings does a Valiha have?

The Valiha is an Harp metal strings and body of bamboo. It measures about 60cm to a meter long. The number of strings from 12 to 20 tuned traditionally on a larger scale. It is the national instrument of Madagascar (the large island southeast of Africa), but originally comes from Indonesia.

What is the Valiha made of?

The valiha is a tube zither from Madagascar made from a species of local bamboo; it is considered the “national instrument” of Madagascar.

What instrument is known as an aerophone?

: any of a class of musical instruments (such as a trumpet or flute) in which sound is generated by air as the primary vibrating medium : wind instrument — compare chordophone, electrophone, idiophone, lamellophone, membranophone.

Which instrument is an aerophone?

Aerophone, any of a class of musical instruments in which a vibrating mass of air produces the initial sound. The basic types include woodwind, brass, and free-reed instruments, as well as instruments that fall into none of these groups, such as the bull-roarer and the siren.

What kind of instrument is a valiha made of?

A variant instrument, the marovany, is similar in concept but boxlike rather than tubular, and made of wood or sheet metal. One of the most celebrated valiha players of the twentieth century is Rakotozafy (born 1938).

What kind of bamboo is a valiha made of?

Historically the instrument was made of the bamboo Valiha diffusa, but in the modern day “bamboo species with longer internodes” are used. A variant instrument, the marovany, is similar in concept but boxlike rather than tubular, and made of wood or sheet metal.

Who are some famous people who play valiha?

One of the most celebrated valiha players of the twentieth century is Rakotozafy (born 1938). The majority of Rakotozafy’s few recorded performances were made live at the central studio of Malagasy Radio. Sylvestre Randafison is another celebrated valiha artist considered a cultural icon in Madagascar.

How many strings are in a valiha zither?

The term is also used to describe a number of related zithers of differing shapes and materials. Aside from recreational music, the valiha is also used for ritual music to summon spirits. The valiha generally has 21-24 strings.

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