Who were the passengers on Malaysia flight 370?

Who were the passengers on Malaysia flight 370?

They had 227 passengers to care for, including five children. Most of the passengers were Chinese; of the rest, 38 were Malaysian, and in descending order the others came from Indonesia, Australia, India, France, the United States, Iran, Ukraine, Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Russia, and Taiwan.

Is MH370 still being searched for?

Despite air and sea searches of vast stretches of the Indian Ocean, the aircraft and its passengers has never been found. A recent memorial reminds that MH370 is not the only missing aircraft out there.

Was any wreckage found from flight 370?

MH370, a Boeing 777, with 239 passengers and crew aboard disappeared on a flight from KL to Beijing on March 8, 2014. A total of 33 pieces of debris – confirmed and suspected from MH370 – have been recovered by 16 different people unrelated to each other in six different countries.

How many passengers were on MH370?

227 passengers
The disappearance of the Boeing 777 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board led to a search effort stretching from the Indian Ocean west of Australia to Central Asia.

Who was the pilot of MH 370?

pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah
Abbott said top Malaysian officials believed the pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah deliberately downed the jet carrying 239 people that disappeared while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014.

Can a pilot turn off oxygen to passengers?

The answer is yes: if one of the pilots needed to use the restroom, regulations require the other pilot to put on his O2 mask while the other pilot is away. Once outside the cockpit, the other pilot could lock the door and the other pilot out. Then he could turn everything off.

How far is Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 could have flown?

How far Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 could have flown The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines continues, with recent evidence suggesting that the aircraft may have flown for at least four hours beyond its last known position.

What airlines are in Malaysia?

Popular airlines that offer domestic flights within Malaysia are Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly, MasWings (only certain routes within Borneo) and Berjaya Air (only to a few destinations). Every city as well as every bigger island in Malaysia has its own airport.

Was Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 hijacked?

The source stated: “Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on March 8 with 239 passengers was hijacked. “Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists.

What happened to flight MH370?

As MH370 ran out of fuel, it flew on autopilot and finally crashed into the sea. Other hypoxia theories include a deliberate hijacking, a wrestle over the controls (both of which could cause hypoxia through flying steeply upwards), or another kind of mechanical accident.

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