Why does my indoor cat have diarrhea?

Why does my indoor cat have diarrhea?

Other health conditions that can cause diarrhea in cats include bacterial infections, viral infections, and infections with protozoal organisms such as Giardia. Dietary sensitivities and dietary imbalances may cause diarrhea. Inflammatory bowel disease and a lack of digestive enzymes can lead to diarrhea in cats.

What can you give a cat for diarrhea?

The best diets are often veterinary supplied diets specifically formulated with a balance of fibers that feed the good bacteria found in your cat’s intestine. In some cases, a bland, home-prepared diet such as boiled rice or pasta with boiled skinless chicken may be recommended.

What over the counter medicine can I give my cat for diarrhea?

Pepto Bismol is used for the treatment and control of diarrhea. Pepto Bismol can be used in cats, but only for short periods of time. Pepto Bismol contains aspirin and cats are sensitive to aspirin. If you have any concerns about giving your pet pepto bismol your veterinarian first.

What is the most common cause of diarrhea in cats?

Parasites and diet are the two most common causes of diarrhea in cats. While kitten and cat diarrhea can be temporary, the loss of fluid can quickly lead to dangerous levels of cat dehydration if the diarrhea lasts for more than a few days.

Is wet food or dry food better for cats with diarrhea?

Cats with sensitive stomachs, or those recovering from diarrhea, constipation, or another illness can benefit from the high moisture content of wet cat food. The increased moisture content makes for easier digestion, reducing hairballs. If your cat is new to wet cat food, it can cause stomach upset or diarrhea.

What medicine should I give my Cat for diarrhea?

– Famotidine, Ranitidine, Cimetidine to relieve gastric acid – Loperamide, or Imodium, used for diarrhea – Diphenhydramine, or Benadryl, for allergic reactions – Hydrocortisone, for skin itching – Dimenhydrinate, or Dramamine, for motion sickness – Glucosamine, for joint pain

What to do when your cat has diarrhea?

Plantaris is also a good, natural way to treat your cat’s diarrhea. It will also stop smelly stools. In addition to a bland diet or fasting the cat, there are nutritional supplements available such as amino acids and herbs that can help replenish the beneficial bacteria your cat loses through diarrhea.

What should you give a cat with diarrhea?

What to feed a cat with diarrhea Shredded boneless boiled chicken , cooked without salt or other seasoning. Boiled rice and rice water, cooked without salt. In the market there are special commercial food for cats with diarrhea which is also a good solution if you do not want the cat to try another type of

Why does my cat have explosive diarrhea?

Although explosive diarrhea is catastrophic at the time, by restricting access to food for half a day and slowly introducing the new food, it should quickly clear up. Food Allergies Food allergies or the wrong food entirely is often the cause of ongoing cat diarrhea.

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