Can Facebook pages block you from commenting?

Can Facebook pages block you from commenting?

Type the name of the person that you want to block from commenting into the input field under “Hide This From.” Click the blue “Save Setting” button. This prevents the selected user from commenting on all your posts, including status updates and photos.

Can a business block comments on Facebook?

Facebook does not offer any options to disable comments on your business Facebook page posts and ad posts.

What does it mean when Facebook blocks you from commenting?

Facebook Help Team We’ve determined that you used a feature in a way that could be considered abusive, even if you didn’t mean to. Blocks are temporary and can last a few hours or a few days. To keep from getting blocked again, please slow down or stop this behavior.

Can a Facebook business page block someone?

You can’t “block” someone from a Business Page. That’s usually reserved for personal accounts. However, you can “ban” users, and that permanently blocks them from accessing a business page.

Will someone know if I ban them from my Facebook page?

The user will NOT get a notification that you have banned them. But, trust us, they will be able to see that their functions have been limited on your page. Think of this as the Facebook time out. Banning someone will, more often than not, make the situation more dramatic.

Why is Facebook blocking me from posting?

Temporary blocks from sharing posts on Facebook can happen if you’ve: Posted a lot in a short amount of time. Shared posts that were marked as unwelcome. Shared something that goes against our Community Standards.

How do I change Comment settings on Facebook?

Visit your Facebook Page and click on Settings at the top right. Click on General and select the “Comment Ranking” option. Uncheck the box next to “See most relevant comments by default.” Click on Save Changes.

What is the comment limit on Facebook?

8,000 characters
Now Facebook posts can be as long as 5,000 characters and comments have a maximum of 8,000 characters. This will allow deep discussions about complicated topics to take place within the site. If users reach the character limit while posting, Facebook allows them to instantly convert the update into a Note.

How do I find out why Facebook blocked me?

If you enter their name in the search box and they no longer appear, though, that’s a sign that person is blocking you. You can’t send the person messages in Facebook Messenger. If you were previously friends and try to send a message, you will see an error message that says the user is unavailable.

Why am I blocked from liking and commenting on Facebook?

Facebook gives its users control over who they add as friends and who they block. If you’ve been blocked by someone else, you’ll be stopped from liking or commenting on that person’s content (though it may still appear if other mutual friends have been tagged in it).

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