What are Cattell 16 personality Factors?

What are Cattell 16 personality Factors?

Cattell (1957) identified 16 factors or dimensions of personality: warmth, reasoning, emotional stability, dominance, liveliness, rule-consciousness, social boldness, sensitivity, vigilance, abstractedness, privateness, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance, perfectionism, and tension ([link]).

How many items are in 16PF?

The 16PF Fifth Edition contains 185 multiple-choice items which are written at a fifth-grade reading level.

How can I conduct 16PF?

When taking the test, the participant must answer 185 multiple-choice items along with 26 multiple-choice items for the Couples Counseling Report. Approximately 35-50 minutes is necessary for completion. The 16PF Fifth Edition is the current version of the test.

How many questions are there in 16PF?

The 185 multiple-choice questions take approximately 30 minutes to complete and are designed to comply with EEOC requirements. The 16pf Questionnaire measures 16 different traits that influence the way individuals work and interact with others.

What is the 16 PF used for?

16 Personality Factors Questionnaire The 16 Personality Factors (16PF®) questionnaire is a robust, reliable measure of 16 personality traits that describe and predict a person’s behaviour in a variety of contexts. The instrument is used to select, develop and motivate the people who make organisations thrive.

What does the 16 PF measure?

The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) measures personality on two hierarchical levels, primary and secondary traits, and has been developed as a result of extensive factor analyses of large arrays of behavioral items.

How do I read 16 PF?

In 16 PF Test Profile, the standard score between 5 and 6 are considered normal personalities where as standard score from 1 to 3 is descriptors of low range and standard score from 8 to 10 represents high descriptive score. The subject has low score on factors C-2, M-3 and Q-4.

Is 16 PF and MBTI same?

The 16PF factors of Tough Poise, Independence, and Superego/Control were also significantly correlated with items on the MBTI. The Anxiety dimension of the 16PF yielded no significant correlations with the MBTI. Conclusions: The Extraversion/Introversion variables of the MBTI and 16PF are highly correlated.

What is the purpose of 16 pf?

The 16 Personality Factors (16PF®) questionnaire is a robust, reliable measure of 16 personality traits that describe and predict a person’s behaviour in a variety of contexts. The instrument is used to select, develop and motivate the people who make organisations thrive.

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