What are the advantages of juries?

What are the advantages of juries?


  • Public confidence – juries are the ‘lamp that shows that freedom lives’
  • Jury equity – juries can decide innocence/guilt based on what they think is morally right and fair; Pontings Case.
  • Secrecy – no pressure or influence on jury to come to decision in a certain way.
  • impartiality.

Why juries are important UK?

Juries are summoned for criminal trials in the Crown Court where the offence is an indictable offence or an offence triable either way that has been sent to the Crown Court after examination by magistrates. Summary offences are tried by magistrates and there is no right of Crown Court trial by jury.

Why do juries work best?

Juries, because they do not give reasons for their decisions, can bring the conscience of the community to bear on issues in a trial in a way that a judge cannot do. Trial by jury is and is seen to be a system better adapted than any other to preserving the liberty of the subject against oppression by the State.

What are the disadvantages of juries?


  • Perverse decisions – can be a protest against the law.
  • Jury tampering – bribery/threats.
  • Radical views/bias as there is no right to a multi-racial jury.
  • Media coverage may influence jurors.
  • Lack of understanding – especially for fraud trails = complex +time consuming.

What are the disadvantages of jury?

As the people on a jury do not generally have a legal background, it is possible that they may not entirely understand complex legal documents or argument, or in-depth forensic evidence. Every juror will also have their own personal biases, and this can affect their decision-making.

Are juries a good thing?

Trial by jury helps the criminal justice system reflect the values and standards of the general public. It’s vital for the health of the criminal justice system that citizens participate in it and it is vital for democracy that they do, which might explain why politicians are always seeking to limit that participation.

Are juries effective UK?

Juries in England and Wales are fair, effective and efficient, according to a report by UCL’s Professor Cheryl Thomas, published today. juries almost always reach a verdict and convict two-thirds of the time. there are no courts where juries acquit more often than convict.

Are juries a good idea?

People who serve on juries have a greater respect for the system when they leave. Serving on a jury gives people insight into the justice system and their own communities, and corrects misapprehensions about what takes place in a courtroom. . Jury trials provide a method of peaceful dispute resolution.

How often are juries wrong?

26 to 50 percent of the time. 51 to 75 percent of the time. More than 75 percent of the time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of trial by jury?

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Jury

  • Public Confidence – fundimentals of a democratic society.
  • Jury equity- decide on fairness and not the word of law.
  • Open system of justice.
  • Lawyers explain things clearly so that the general public can understand and follow the proceeding.

What are the pros and cons of a jury?

Jury vs. Judge: Pros and Cons of Each Option

  • Jury or judge?
  • At a jury trial, the outcome of a case is decided by a group of law-abiding citizens.
  • Jurors have more compassion than judges.
  • Juries tend to be easier audiences than judges.
  • Jurors can be too emotional.
  • Jurors can be unpredictable.

Are professional jurors a good idea?

There are arguments on both sides, but a professional jury system might make sense. In the criminal law setting, most every serious case can be tried before a jury, but petty offenses are typically excepted. Juvenile Court proceedings do not have the right to a jury trial.

What are the advantages of the jury system?

Several jury system advantages and disadvantages are worth considering when looking at this unique legal structure that merges the past with the present. 1. It keeps the criminal justice system within the community. Juries get convened by a mandated request from local governments.

Are there fair and effective juries in the UK?

Don’t just take my word for it. The report from the Ministry of Justice ­published last week, the culmination of 18 months of meticulous research into over half a million cases heard in England and Wales, shows juries are fair, efficient and effective.

Why do juries often reach verdicts based on emotion?

This means juries often reach verdicts not based on the hard, legal data surrounding the case, but on their emotional responses to the arguments posed by the defence and prosecution. This can be both a potential advantage and disadvantage, depending on the type of trial that they are overseeing.

Are there any disadvantages to trial by random jury?

Roskill Committee 1986 concluded that trial by random jury was not a satisfactory way of achieving justice in such cases since many were “out of their depth”. Because of inexperience or ignorance jurors may rely too heavily on what they are told by lawyers at the expense of the real issues.

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