What are the various types of thoracic injuries?

What are the various types of thoracic injuries?

The most important chest injuries include the following:

  • Aortic disruption. Signs may include asymmetric pulses or blood pressure, decreased blood flow to the lower extremities…
  • Blunt cardiac injury.
  • Cardiac tamponade.
  • Flail chest.
  • Hemothorax.
  • Pneumothorax (traumatic pneumothorax.
  • Pulmonary contusion.

What is injury of thorax?

A chest injury, also known as chest trauma, is any form of physical injury to the chest including the ribs, heart and lungs. Chest injuries account for 25% of all deaths from traumatic injury.

What are the common signs and symptoms of thorax injuries?

The most common signs and symptoms are: pain in the chest that gets worse when laughing, coughing or sneezing. tenderness. bruising….Symptoms of a fractured rib are:

  • extreme pain when breathing in.
  • tenderness to the chest or back over the ribs.
  • a ‘crunchy’ feeling under the skin.
  • severe shortness of breath.

What causes thoracic trauma?

Thoracic trauma can be distinguished by the mechanism of injury. Blunt trauma refers to mechanisms causing increased intrathoracic pressure such as car collisions (most common cause of thoracic trauma), and falls. By comparison, penetrating trauma largely refers to gunshots, stab wounds, and occasionally impalement.

What is the most common thoracic injury?

Life-threatening injuries diagnosed during the initial trauma evaluation require prompt intervention. Still, the most common injuries due to thoracic trauma are pneumothorax and hemothorax, which are definitively managed in 80% of cases with tube thoracostomy.

What are the two types of chest injuries?

The Different Types of Chest Trauma and Injuries

  • Broken Ribs. Science Picture Co./Collection Mix: Subjects/Getty Images.
  • Flail Chest. A flail chest is broken ribs with an attitude.
  • Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung) The term collapsed lung isn’t totally correct.
  • Sucking Chest Wound.
  • Gunshot Wound.
  • Shortness of Breath.

How do you treat a thoracic strain?


  1. Rest as directed. Move slowly and carefully.
  2. Apply ice or heat as directed. Ice decreases pain and swelling and may help decrease tissue damage.
  3. Use an elastic wrap or back brace as directed. These will help keep the injured area from moving so it can heal.
  4. Go to physical therapy as directed.

What is thoracic fracture?

When a bone in the spine collapses, it is called a vertebral compression fracture. These fractures happen most commonly in the thoracic spine (the middle portion of the spine), particularly in the lower vertebra of the thoracic spine.

What are the three types of chest injuries?

What are the symptoms of thoracic spine injury?

Thoracic Spine Injury Symptoms. With any type of injury, the symptoms are moderate to severe back pain in the thoracic spine that is worsened with movement. If an injury leads to any type of spinal impairment, a person is more likely to suffer: Numbness. Weakness. Tingling. Back pain that radiates down into the thighs and legs.

What causes pain in the thoracic?

The most common causes for Thoracic Back Pain or Middle Back Pain are injuries to the thoracic region from automobile accidents or sporting injuries, poor posture, medical conditions like arthritis or muscle strain. A sudden movement of the back may also cause pain in the thoracic region.

What are symptoms of thoracic arthritis?

Arthritis can affect any part of the spine. General symptoms of thoracic pain caused by arthritis include: tenderness or numbness if there is nerve entrapment; the feeling or sound of bone crunching; limited range of motion; and pain or tenderness in the shoulders, hips, knees or heels.

What is thoracic spinal injury?

A thoracic spinal cord injury is typically more serious than a lumbar cord injury, yet not as bad as cervical spinal cord trauma. Injury to the thoracic spinal cord is likely to produce neurological effects in the lower body and torso.

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