What does the GD 6 point star mean?

What does the GD 6 point star mean?

Folk Nation
6-Point Star = Folk Nation. All Seeing Eye/Pyramid = Sees everything but does not tell. Teardrops = Typically on the “strong side” or the side of their face that falls under the nation they represent (Folk versus People).

What gang uses a star?

The People Nation alliance in most instances uses a five-pointed star in their gang graffiti. The five-pointed star has its origins with the Blackstone Rangers/Black P. Stone Ranger Nation, one of the larger street gangs.

What is BK gang sign?

The BK stands for Blood Killa, the PK stands for People Killa (the Bloods fall under People Nation, which is the rival of the Folk Nation, which is where the Crips fall).

What are the GD codes?

The Black Gangster Disciples are associated with the Folk Nation gangs and use a lot of identifiers associated with their Gang and Nation such as a “pitchfork”, the number “6”, the number “5” placed upside down (to indicate disrespect for the rival People Nation), the six-sided “Star of David” symbol (to honor one of …

Why do Crips use Star of David?

LOC commonly used by members of the Crips stands for “Love of Crip.” The six pointed star commonly referred to as the Star of David is used by the Crips. This was done by someone who does not like members of the “Crip” gang.

Why do Crips use the Star of David?

Do bloods say SuWoop?

A common greeting among Bloods members is “SuWoop!” (representing a police siren) and members will often say “Blaat!” (representing the sound of automatic gunfire) to announce their presence.

Are GDS Bloods or Crips?

The Gangster Disciples are a criminal street gang formed in Chicago in the late 1960s. Their allies are the Crips and Folk Nation. Their rivals include the Bloods and People Nation; in Tipton County these are Vice Lords. Members often designate themselves as part of the gang by wearing blue and black clothing.

What does 630 mean for Crips?

What does 630 mean for Crips? 6-6-6 is Symbol for Aryan Brotherhood, Folks and Crips; also satanic cults. 6 Point Star (of David) – Symbolic to gangs within the Folk Nation.

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