What is an Adena Mound?

What is an Adena Mound?

Adena Mound, the type site for the Adena culture of prehistoric mound builders, is a registered historic structure, on the grounds of the Adena Mansion for which it is named, near Chillicothe, Ohio, was listed in the National Register on June 5, 1975.

Where was the Adena Pipe Found?

The pipe was found in a tomb at the lowest level of the famous Adena Mound, near Chillicothe, Ohio; the tomb contained the remains of a man whose importance was marked by the unrivaled wealth of his grave goods.

What happened to the Adena culture?

Lasting traces of Adena culture are still seen in the remains of their substantial earthworks. At one point, larger Adena mounds numbered in the hundreds, but only a small number of the remains of the larger Adena earthen monuments still survive today.

What language did Adena speak?

Asian and Pacific Island languages include Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and languages spoken by indigenous people of Australia along with other Pacific cultures. The Other language category includes Afro-Asiatic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew, as well as Native American languages.

What language did the Adena mound builders speak?

So far as anyone knows, the Mound Builders had no written language; they speak now only through what may be studied from the artifacts they left behind.

What were the mounds used for?

Rectangular, flat-topped mounds were primarily built as a platform for a building such as a temple or residence for a chief. Many later mounds were used to bury important people. Mounds are often believed to have been used to escape flooding.

What were platform pipes used for?

D.R. Gehlbach noted that these pipes were used in mortuary ceremonies and were interred with individuals of high status. Many were embellished with animal and bird effigies including bears, wolves, dogs, beavers, cougars, otters, turtles, cranes, owls, herons, and hawks (bottom).

How can you identify an Indian artifact?

Native American Artifact Identification Tips

  1. In arrowheads and spearheads, look for a clear point and a defined edge and base.
  2. For Native American stone artifacts, identify the variety of stone used in the construction.
  3. In bone and shell tools, look for irregularities when compared to the original shape of the material.

How old is the Adena Pipe?

Ohio’s Official State Artifact: The Adena Pipe The Adena Pipe is as of this writing, the oldest artifact ever discovered in Ohio that even remotely resembles a group of people that lived here more than 2000 years ago. Because of its unique shape it is known as an effigy pipe.

What was true of the Adena culture?

The Adena people were hunter-gatherers, but also grew various crops, including squash, sunflower, pumpkin, goosefoot, and tobacco. They lived in extended family groups of roughly 15 to 20 people, with several extended families forming a lineage or clan. Between four to six of these clans made up an Adena social group.

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