What is an example of a primary or transitional meristem?

What is an example of a primary or transitional meristem?

Primary (transitional) meristems These are the primary meristems, called sometimes the transitional meristems: theprotoderm, the procambium, and the ground meristem. They give rise to the tissue systems of the primary plant body.

What primary meristem produces the Endodermis?

The apical meristems of the branches arise from the first shoot apical meristem, whereas the apical meristems of the secondary roots develop from the root endodermis.

What does apical meristem produce?

Apical meristem, region of cells capable of division and growth in the root and shoot tips in plants. Apical meristems give rise to the primary plant body and are responsible for the extension of the roots and shoots.

Which is primary meristematic tissue?

There are three primary meristems: the protoderm, which will become the epidermis; the ground meristem, which will form the ground tissues comprising parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells; and the procambium, which will become the vascular tissues (xylem and phloem).

What are the examples of primary meristem?

An example of a primary meristem is the apical meristem. Apical meristems are meristematic tissues located in the apices of plant, e.g. root apex and shoot apex.

What are primary and secondary meristem?

Meristematic tissues consist of three types, based on their location in the plant. Primary growth is controlled by root apical meristems or shoot apical meristems, while secondary growth is controlled by the two lateral meristems, called the vascular cambium and the cork cambium.

Why is there no endodermis in a woody root?

The endodermis is the central, innermost layer of cortex in land plants. In most seed plants, especially woody types, an endodermis is absent from the stems but is present in roots. The endodermis helps regulate the movement of water, ions and hormones into and out of the vascular system.

Which of the following is an example of primary meristem?

apical meristem
An example of a primary meristem is the apical meristem. Apical meristems are meristematic tissues located in the apices of plant, e.g. root apex and shoot apex.

What happens when you cut off the apical meristem?

If apical meristem is cut off, one or more lateral meristem will grow faster in lateral manner. This will lead to a bushy growth.

What are three functions of the shoot apical meristem?

Meristem Zones Its main function is to trigger the growth of new cells in young seedlings at the tips of roots and shoots and forming buds. Apical meristems are organized into four zones: (1) the central zone, (2) the peripheral zone, (3) the medullary meristem and (3) the medullary tissue.

Which of the following is an example of primary meristematic tissue?

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