What is reactance tube modulator?

What is reactance tube modulator?

[rē′ak·təns ¦tüb ′mäj·ə‚lād·ər] (electronics) An electron-tube circuit, used to produce phase or frequency modulation, in which the reactance is varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage.

What is reactance in english?

Reactance is a form of opposition that electronic components exhibit to the passage of alternating current because of capacitance or inductance. Reactance is a form of opposition that electronic components exhibit to the passage of alternating current because of capacitance or inductance.

What is reactance in physics?

Reactance, in electricity, measure of the opposition that a circuit or a part of a circuit presents to electric current insofar as the current is varying or alternating. Reactance is present in addition to resistance when conductors carry alternating current.

What is reactance drop?

: the voltage drop in a circuit due to the current traversing the reactance.

What is the function of reactance modulator?

A reactance modulator changes the frequency of the tank circuit of the oscillator by changing its reactance. This is accomplished by a combination of a resistor, a condenser, and a vacuum tube (the modulator) connected across the tank circuit of the oscillator as in Fig.

What is slope detector?

Slope detection is the very simplest form of frequency modulation, FM demodulation. An FM slope detector consists of a tuned circuit where the centre frequency is tuned to a frequency slightly offset from the carrier of the signal. This causes the amplitude of the signal to vary in line with the frequency variations.

What is difference between impedance and reactance?

Reactance, resistance, & impedance (what’s the difference?) Inductive reactance increases with frequency and inductance. Capacitive reactance decreases with frequency and capacitance. Impedance represents total opposition provided by reactance and resistance.

What is reactance and its formula?

The formula for calculating inductive reactance of a coil is: Inductive reactance, or XL, is a product of 2 times p (pi), or 6.28, frequency of the ac current in hertz, and the inductance of the coil, in henries. XL =2p x f x L. L= the inductance value of coil in henries. Inductive Reactance, XL=2fL.

What is difference between reactance and impedance?

Impedance is the combination of resistance and reactance. Reactance is a property that opposes a change in current and is found in both inductors and capacitors. Because it only affects changing current, reactance is specific to AC power and depends on the frequency of the current.

What is a balanced modulator?

In electronic communications, a balanced modulator is a circuit that produces double-sideband suppressed-carrier (DSBSC) signals: It suppresses the radio frequency carrier thus leaving the sum and difference frequencies at the output.

What is the function of a reactance tube modulator?

reactance-tube modulator. An electron-tube circuit, used to produce phase or frequency modulation, in which the reactance is varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage.

What does reactance mean in an electrical circuit?

Reactance is essentially the inertia against the motion of electrons in an electrical circuit i.e. the attribute against the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit.

Which is the correct definition of impedance and reactance?

What is Impedance? Impedance is a combination of resistance and reactance. It is essentially anything and everything that obstructs the flow of electrons within an electrical circuit. Hence, it affects the generation of current through the electrical circuit.

How does the reactance of an inductor work?

In inductive reactance, the current across an inductor changes when potential difference develops across it. The potential difference and rate of change of current are proportional to each other. The inductive reactance for an inductor with inductance L connected in the circuit along with AC power supply is given as:

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