What is Section K of the MDS?

What is Section K of the MDS?

SECTION K: SWALLOWING/NUTRITIONAL STATUS. Intent: The items in this section are intended to assess the many conditions that could affect the resident’s ability to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration. This section covers swallowing disorders, height and weight, weight loss, and nutritional approaches.

How do you complete the K section of the MDS?

Steps for Assessment (Height)

  1. Base height on the most recent height since the most recent admission/entry or re-entry. Measure and record height in inches.
  2. Measure height consistently over time in accordance with the facility policy and procedure (shoes off, etc.).
  3. For subsequent assessments, check the medical record.

What should be checked on MDS KS?

MDS section K focuses on assessing residents’ swallowing and nutritional status. The components of section K are intended to assess conditions that could affect a resident’s ability to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration. It covers swallowing disorders, height and weight, weight loss, and nutritional approaches.

Where do you code IV fluids on MDS?

item K0510
A: IV fluids are reported at item K0510 – Parenteral/IV feeding.

What is RAI MDS?

The Resident Assessment Instrument – Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) 2.0 is the standardized assessment tool for admission, quarterly, significant change in health status and annual assessments for each resident.

What can you eat with MDS?

Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. Focus on foods high in vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, protein and energy.

What is the definition of short stay for computing quality measures?

The quality measure short stay and long stay definitions are: The short stay resident quality measures show the average quality of resident care in a nursing home for those who stayed in a nursing home for 100 days or less or are covered under the Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) benefit.

How are MDS data sets used in nursing homes?

The MDS item sets are used by Nursing Home and Swing Bed providers to collect and submit patient data to CMS. This MDS data informs payment, quality, and the survey process. In December of 2019, CMS posted a draft of the MDS 3.0 item set v1.18.0 and received feedback from our stakeholders.

When did CMS post draft of MDS 3.0 item set?

In December of 2019, CMS posted a draft of the MDS 3.0 item set v1.18.0 and received feedback from our stakeholders. We would like to thank the stakeholders for sharing their concerns regarding the proposed changes to the MDS 3.0 item sets and more specifically the removal of the Section G items from OBRA assessments.

Are there changes to the MDS for 2019?

Since the preliminary release of the manual on May 20, 2019, changes have been made to clarify which assessments Swing Bed providers must complete; the definition of the “interruption window” for interrupted Part A-covered stays; the coding of item I0200B; ICD Code; and changes related to group therapy policies, as well as other corrections.

Which is the PDF version of MDS 3.0?

A single PDF file titled MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.7.1_October 2019, provides the entire RAI manual for use as an electronic version with bookmarks that you can click on to take you to each section of the manual.

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