What is the address for Anthem Blue Cross?

What is the address for Anthem Blue Cross?

Professional Claims Submission Addresses
FLORIDA BC & BS of Florida P.O. Box 1798 Jacksonville, FL 32231-0014 GEORGIA Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield P.O. Box 105187 Atlanta, GA 30348
IDAHO Regence Shield P.O. Box 1106 Lewiston, ID 83501 ILLINOIS BC & BS of Illinois P.O. Box 805107 Chicago, IL 60680-4112

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Maine?

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has been offering quality, affordable health plans to the people and communities in Maine for over 75 years.

How do I pay my anthem premium online?

Pay Online. Go to www.anthem.com/ca and create a user ID and password in order to log in as a member. Then you can follow the prompts for “pay my bill.”

How do I contact Anthem Insurance?

To reach your dedicated customer service team, please use the toll-free number listed on your identification card….Contact Us.

Important Phone Numbers
Main switchboard number 800-922-4670
Pharmacy Customer Service 866-281-2966 800-221-6915 (TDD) Telecommunications Device for the Deaf

What address do I use for Anthem insurance?

CLAIMS: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, P.O. Box 105187, Atlanta, GA 30348. CORRESPONDENCE: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, P.O. Box 105557, Atlanta, GA 30348.

Is Anthem and Blue Cross the same?

In California Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem is also the second-largest medical insurance provider in the United States by total members, with over 40 million lives covered.

What is Anthem MaineHealth?

Anthem | MaineHealth Medicare Advantage plans give you benefits that go beyond Original Medicare. Our plans cover dental, vision, and hearing benefits, as well as Medicare Part D Plans (prescription drugs).

Can I pay my Anthem bill online?

Pay Your Bills As an Anthem member, you can set up bill pay to make convenient, automatic payments through your online account. If you are a new member and just selected a plan, you will need to pay your first month’s bill before coverage starts.

Is Blue Cross Blue Shield the same as Anthem?

For many people, Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Shield are simply one company. “In California, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield are actually different companies and are competitors. In most other states, they are the same company and formed an association, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

How do I get a live person at Anthem Blue Cross?

If you need to contact a live person in Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) customer service you need to dial 1-888-630-2583. To speak with a live agent, you need to press 0 or stay on the line (typical waiting time is about 1-2 minutes).

How do I check my Anthem Blue Cross coverage?

You can call 888.630.2583 to learn about your coverage options.

Is Anthem Blue Cross HMO or PPO?

Focus on Quality. > Anthem Blue Cross HMO/POS has earned an Excellent Accreditation status from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). > Anthem Blue Cross PPO is the first and continues to be the only PPO in California to have earned a Full Accreditation from the NCQA5.

Is Anthem Insurance a good health provider?

All in all, Anthem is a recommended health insurance company. It is new as a business and limited in terms of location. However, if Anthem health insurance plans are available in your state, then the benefits provided are well worth it. Nov 4 2019

What is anthem high deductible plan?

The Anthem Preferred Provider Organization High Deductible Health Plan (Anthem PPO HDHP ) includes comprehensive coverage for medical, prescription, vision, behavioral health, and organ transplant services with no pre-existing condition limits or waiting periods.

What is Anthem Insurance Plan?

Anthem is a private insurance company approved by Medicare to offer prescription drug coverage under the Medicare program. Here’s an overview of how you can get Anthem Medicare plans with coverage for prescription drugs.

What is the anthem plan?

Anthem focuses on the common connection that health brings to its diverse membership as it aims to daily encourage and motivate its members to improve their health and live better, longer lives. Anthem plans are available in more than a dozen states across every region of the country.

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