What is the difference between Grazon pro and Grazon 90?

What is the difference between Grazon pro and Grazon 90?

Grazon Pro – 1 Litre Grazon Pro (Formerly known as Grazon 90; PCS No 05182) is selective weed killer that is ideal for the control of all major grassland weeds. Grazon Pro is highly cost effective with an average of 16 knapsack(10lt) fills per litre of product. Grazon Pro is not safe on clover.

Does Grazon 90 kill docks?


What is the difference between Grazon and Grazon extra?

Grazon Extra will deliver superior control compared to a generic triclopyr+picloram product. Grazon Extra at 350 mL/100 L is cheaper than a generic at 500 mL/100 L, and provides superior control. Grazon Extra at the 500 mL/100 L rate produced very high control levels.

What Grazon 90 kill?

Grazon Pro Weed Killer Spray takes over from the well-known favourite Grazon 90 which is a foliar acting herbicide for the best control of perennial broad-leaved weeds including nettles, docks, thistles and brambles, broom and gorse in established and amenity grassland.

How quickly does Grazon work?

Grazon Pro also has activity against a number of key annual and perennial weeds encountered in grassland • Stock grazing can resume 7 days after application, as long as the foliage of poisonous weeds has died and become unpalatable. Rainfast in 2 hours.

How long after spraying Grazon can horses graze?

Answer: There are no restrictions for when you can allow animals to graze on areas treated with GrazonNext Herbicide. We would always recommend waiting for the application to dry completely before allowing animals to re-enter a treated area.

How long does Grazon pro need before rain?

Rainfast in 2 hours. Grazon Pro should be used on permanent pasture or leys that have been established for at least 12 months. Applications should only be made between 1 March and 31 October.

How long after applying Grazon can it rain?

GrazonNext HL Herbicide is best applied when rain is not expected within 24 hours after application. As long as the weeds being controlled are not drenched/dripping water prior to application it can be applied after rain within a few hours.

Can horses graze after roundup?

Some horse owners have reported that horses that lick Roundup can get colic. For 2,4 D, there are no restrictions for horses on pasture, but you should spray when plants are actively growing (not during hot drought), using 4 quarts per acre broadcast sprayer or 2 ounces per 1 gallon spot sprayer.

Can cattle graze after spraying Grazon?

There are no grazing restrictions for any type of livestock, including goats, when using GrazonNext HL Herbicide. We would suggest they not be in the area during the application and while surfaces are wet. Once the treated surfaces are completely dry then the cattle can return.

How long after spraying Grazon can cattle graze?

Animals cannot be removed for slaughter less than 30 days after application. Grazon P+D* picloram + 2,4-D broadleaf weeds Grazing: Do not allow lactating dairy (0.54 lb./gal. + 2 lbs./gal.) animals to graze treated areas within 7 days after application.

What are the ingredients in Grazon pro 1L?

Grazon Pro Technical Data Sheet An emulsifiable concentrate containing 240 g/litre triclopyr (present as 334 g/litre of triclopyr for using plant protection products. butotyl) and 60 g/litre clopyralid. A foliar acting herbicide for the control of NETTLES, DOCKS, THISTLES, BRAMBLES, BROOM and GORSE in ESTABLISHED GRASSLAND and AMENITY GRASSLAND

How much Triclopyr is in Grazon pro 1L?

An emulsifiable concentrate containing 240 g/litre triclopyr (present as 334 g/litre of triclopyr for using plant protection products. butotyl) and 60 g/litre clopyralid. A foliar acting herbicide for the control of NETTLES, DOCKS, THISTLES, BRAMBLES, BROOM and GORSE in ESTABLISHED GRASSLAND and AMENITY GRASSLAND

When to use Grazon Pro for weed control?

GrazonPro is ideal for the spot treatment of a wide range of difficult to control weeds where safety to the grass is important. Use on small patches, isolated weeds, on steep ground or under fence lines. It controls docks, thistles, nettles, brambles, gorse and broom.

What kind of sprayer does Grazon pro use?

Brand Grazon Pro Application Method (s) Boom Sprayer, Knapsack Treats (Pest/Weed/Disease) Brambles, Buttercup, Clover, Dock, Gorse Area of Use Amenity Turf, Paddock, Pasture Safe For Use On Grass, Paddocks, Pasture

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