What is the meaning of return 0?

What is the meaning of return 0?

return 0: A return 0 means that the program will execute successfully and did what it was intended to do. return 1: A return 1 means that there is some error while executing the program and it is not performing what it was intended to do.

Can you return nothing in Java?

In Java, a null value can be assigned to an object reference of any type to indicate that it points to nothing. In the absence of a constructor, the getArticles() and getName() methods will return a null reference.

What does return 1 means in Java?

And return -1 means nothing in java, you are just returning a int value, thats it. The only meaningful explanation for returning -1 seems to be, that the code calling your function expects a return type of int, converted to int from passed String.

Does return 0 end the program?

In your case,since return 0 is placed in main ,the program will exit. return will terminate the execution of the function and returns control to the calling function. When it is placed in main , it will exit the program. In order for main to return an int , use int main instead of void main .

What does return 0 do in Java?

return 0 –> successful termination. return 1 or any other non-zero value –> unsuccessful termination. Returning different values like return 1 or return -1 or any other non-zero value means that program is returning error.

Why returning NULL is bad?

This is a violation of DRY principle. Getting a null value is an ambiguous for caller, because it doesn’t say whether the null is returned due to the bug or due to the fact that the order was not found in the database. Returning null is definitely not a domain-driven design approach.

What is Java void?

void is a Java keyword. Used at method declaration and definition to specify that the method does not return any type, the method returns void . It is not a type and there is no void references/pointers as in C/C++.

Is returning 0 necessary?

Basically, yes. Functions are not required to return anything, even if they declare a return type other than void . The value returned will be undefined. Note that C99 requires that functions that declare non- void return types always terminate by hitting a return statement.

Is a return type different, when overriding in Java?

The basic rule for overriding a method in Java is that the new overriding method in derived class should have same signature as of Base class’s method. But there is on exception to this rule i.e. Overriding method can have different return type but this new type should be, A Non-Primitive. A Subclass of what base class’s overridden method is returning i.e. co-variant Return Type. Lets see an example, Suppose we have a Base class,

What is return 1 in Java?

return -1, in many languages is used in methods or functions that iterate over arrays or collections, to indicate that the desired element was not found. An example in Java would be the indexOf() method of List<> which returns -1 if the desired element can’t be found in the list.

How do I return multiple values in Java?

In java a method can only return one object or primitive. You can return the values by some delimiter i.e. return error + “,” + error1 or you can return multiple values by using Collection API. You can use collection like ArrayList .

How do you use return in Java?

return is a reserved keyword in Java i.e, we can’t use it as an identifier. It is used to exit from a method, with or without a value. return can be used with methods in two ways: Methods returning a value : For methods that define a return type, return statement must be immediately followed by return value.

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