What is the vocabulary for democracy?

What is the vocabulary for democracy?

democracy Add to list Share. Whether you’re talking about your glee club or a powerful nation, the word democracy describes government based on participation of the people, either directly or through elected representatives.

What makes something more democratic?

A democratic country, government, or political system is governed by representatives who are elected by the people. Something that is democratic is based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions. Education is the basis of a democratic society.

What does democratic manner mean?

adj. 1 of, characterized by, derived from, or relating to the principles of democracy. 2 upholding or favouring democracy or the interests of the common people. 3 popular with or for the benefit of all.

Which is the best definition of the word lusterless?

‘The stage is lusterless, the direction inert, the action scrappy, and every invitation for theatrical excitement turned aside.’ ‘In a dark rocky cave, a giant octopus spread its long, writhing tentacles in search of its prey, and gazed the while through the water with large lustreless eyes.’

What are the signs and symptoms of lustreless?

‘Symptoms may include obesity, dry skin and hair, both of which tend to be lusterless, low blood pressure, slow pulse, sluggishness of all functions, depressed muscular activity and goiter.’ ‘Once the chemical state of the scalp alters, scales buid up and the hair become dry and lustreless.’

What does it mean to have a lusterless face?

‘Examination found that the patient lacked spirit, and had a lusterless face.’ ‘Mitch and I imagined ourselves refinishing the lusterless hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms.’ ‘The stage is lusterless, the direction inert, the action scrappy, and every invitation for theatrical excitement turned aside.’

Which is the best definition of the word democracy?

The word democracy most often refers to a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting. What is a democratic system of government?

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