Where can I find the results of the postcode lottery?
The latest People’s Postcode Lottery results can be found here every day. Use the ‘Prize Information’ button for any date to view more information about the draw, plus a winners’ map showing where in the UK the winning postcodes are located.
How does people’s postcode lottery help the environment?
Players of People’s Postcode Lottery will be supporting climate action with an extra £20 Million in funding. The Postcode Climate Challenge sees 12 charities benefiting from funds generated by our players channelled into projects that will focus on making a difference to the planet.
How are people’s Postcode Lottery helping Yorkshire Dales?
A film released by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) showcases the beauty of new woodlands that have been planted thanks to the charity’s Together for Trees campaign, which is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. YDMT has helped to create 56 new woodlands in the Yorkshire Dales and surrounding area over the last three winters.
What are the odds of winning the lottery?
The odds of winning the postcode lottery are: Draw Odds Of Winning £10 1 in 270* £20 1 in 270* £1,000 1 in 1,800* £30,000 1 in 135,000*
Who is the owner of pick my postcode?
Pick is the owner or the licensee of all of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Website, and in the material published on it. All relevant rights are reserved.
What’s the population of Byford in Western Australia?
BYFORD Postcode (WA) Byford is a suburb of South Western, Western Australia and is about 33 kms south-southeast of WA’s capital city of Perth. In the 2011 Australian census the population of Byford was 7,034 when there were 3,532 Females and 3,502 Males living there with a median age of. Want to know more about Byford ?
Do you need a postcode to win on pick my postcode?
We believe everyone should have the chance to win something for free. At Pick My Postcode all you need is a postcode and a minute each day to check if you’ve won.
Which is the biggest charity lottery in the Netherlands?
The Nationale Postcode Loterij (National Postcode Lottery) is the biggest charity lottery in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1989 by Novamedia, a marketing agency that sets up and runs charity lotteries. Fifty percent of the proceeds of this lottery are donated amongst 81 charities, which, in 2010 amounted to over 270 million euros.