Which of the following is a core objective added to stage 2 of meaningful use requirements?
The additional core objectives for Stage 2 relate to electronic messaging. One of the core objectives in Stage 1 was to provide patients with electronic copies of health information on request. In Stage 2, this changes to providing patients with electronic copies of health information online.
What are the goals of meaningful use?
The meaningful use program has three primary goals: (1) standardizing the electronic capture of information such as patient demographics or clinical orders and results; (2) improving quality at the point of care; and (3) using clinical decision support and patient self-management tools as vehicles to improve the …
Who are the authors of Maine roads and easements?
Knud E. Hermansen Donald R. Richards Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu/mlr Part of the Land Use Law Commons, and the Property Law and Real Estate Commons Recommended Citation Knud E. Hermansen & Donald R. Richards, Maine Roads and Easements, 48 Me. L. Rev. 197 (2018).
Why do we need to maintain our roads in Maine?
Roads and bridges also need regular maintenance to keep them from deteriorating. The increased weight and frequency of traffic on Maine roads combined with our adverse weather conditions, mean an increased rate of road and street deterioration.
What do you need to know about gravel in Maine?
The additive must be of the correct type and in the correct quantity to produce satisfactory results. Geotextiles may also be very helpful to stabilize a soft road. In Maine, natural good-quality gravel is getting to be in short supply. Blended or crushed gravels are more expensive alternatives.
Who is the editor of Maine Law Review?
Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Law Review by an authorized editor of University of Maine School of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Maine Law Review