Why do I get headaches after long runs?

Why do I get headaches after long runs?

Being dehydrated is the main cause of a headache after running. As you are running, you are losing water while you sweat, and you may not be drinking fluids throughout your run. When your body is losing more water than it is taking in, the blood flow to your brain decreases, which in turn can lead to headaches.

How long do running headaches last?

Primary exercise headaches typically last between five minutes and 48 hours, while secondary exercise headaches usually last at least a day and sometimes linger for several days or longer.

How do I stop a migraine after running?

Here are some tips to help you prevent or reduce exercise-induced migraines.

  1. Consider the weather. Exercising in hot, humid weather may make you more likely to develop an exercise-induced migraine.
  2. Consider the altitude.
  3. Warm up and cool down.
  4. Stay hydrated.
  5. Additional preventive methods.

How do you prevent headaches after working out?


  1. Eat Well and Stay Hydrated. Dehydration and low blood sugar are your enemies.
  2. Warm Up and Cool Down. Carefully warming up and cooling down may feel unnecessary, but the sudden onset or cessation of exercise can trigger a headache in some people.
  3. Choose Your Exercise Carefully.

How do you treat exercise induced headaches?


  1. Indomethacin (Indocin, Tivorbex), an anti-inflammatory drug, is commonly prescribed.
  2. Propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL), a blood pressure medication, also is used to prevent exercise headaches.

How do you treat exertion headaches?

Primary exertional headaches usually respond well to traditional headache treatments, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen (Advil)….Medications used to treat exertional headaches include:

  1. indomethacin.
  2. propranolol.
  3. naproxen (Naprosyn)
  4. ergonovine (ergometrine)
  5. phenelzine (Nardil)

What do exertion headaches feel like?

The main symptom of an exertional headache is moderate to severe pain that people often describe as throbbing. You might feel it across your entire head or just on one side. They can start during or after strenuous physical activity.

Is running bad for migraines?

A good rule of thumb: Don’t exercise if you’re in the middle of a migraine attack, as it can make the pain worse, Dr. Kriegler says. When you’re pain-free, on the other hand, exercising can help ward off attacks by relieving stress, a common migraine trigger.

Can dehydration cause exertion headaches?

Turns out, when you’re dehydrated, the loss of fluids causes blood vessels in your brain to temporarily shrink which can trigger a headache.

Should I workout if I have a headache?

Avoid high-impact exercise during a headache. When you do have a headache, avoid jarring, high-impact exercise like running or kickboxing because it’s likely to aggravate the pain. Intense exercise will also cause you to sweat, leading to dehydration, which can worsen a headache as well, Ramadan says.

Why am I getting a headache when I workout?

“People have a tendency to unconsciously hold their breath during effort, like when you’re doing core work, for example,” said Danan. “This can increase your intracranial pressure, and the body’s response is a headache. It’s that tightness that causes a dull ache.”

Why does my head throb when I poop?

Straining to have a bowel movement may also trigger head pain. If you’re constipated and aren’t eating right, low blood sugar may lead to headaches. In other cases, when headaches and constipation occur at the same time, they may be symptoms of another condition.

Is it normal to get a headache after running?

Headaches during or after running are fairly common, especially when running in warmer weather. They could be attributed to one or more of these factors: Dehydration: Headaches can be a symptom of dehydration, so make sure you’re drinking enough before, during and after your runs.

Why do I get headaches after running?

The most common causes of headaches after your run are: Hydration and electrolyte imbalance. Even though you feel you are drinking enough fluids during your run, you may not have had enough fluids throughout you day before you run.

How to avoid getting a headache after running?

a common culprit behind running-induced headaches sis poor circulation.

  • Ward Off The Sunlight.
  • Drink Your Water.
  • Electrolyte Imbalances.
  • Manage Low Blood Sugar To Prevent Running Headaches.
  • Practice Good Form.
  • Take Anti-inflammatory Pills.
  • Stretch It.
  • Why do I get a headache after a hard race?

    Low blood sugar , also called hypoglycemia, can also cause a headache after running. Blood sugar refers to glucose, which is one of your body’s main energy sources. If you don’t eat enough before a run, your body can burn through glucose, leading to hypoglycemia. A headache is one of the main symptoms of hypoglycemia.

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