Are Air Optix soft or hard?
The AIR OPTIX ® family of contact lenses are highly breathable* soft contact lenses, with AIR OPTIX ® NIGHT & DAY ® AQUA contact lenses offering the highest breathability* of any lens available today. Allowing oxygen to pass through the lens helps prevent damage to the cornea and keep eyes healthy.
Are multifocal contact lenses soft?
Multifocal contact lenses come in both soft lens and gas permeable (GP, or hard) lens materials. The most commonly used are the concentric design. This type uses a set of concentric circles of differing lens powers for various viewing distances.
Can you sleep in Air Optix plus HydraGlyde multifocal?
Can you sleep in Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde? Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde can be worn for up to 6 nights if approved by your optician.
Is Acuvue a good brand?
The Acuvue brandis one of the most highly recommended and top selling contact lens brands available. Some of the most popular products include the ACUVUE Oasys 24 Pack, ACUVUE Oasys for Astigmatism 6 Pack, and 1-Day ACUVUE Moist 90 Pack. ACUVUE is known for making lenses that are very comfortable all day long.
What contacts are better than Acuvue?
CooperVision MyDay is better than Acuvue Moist in terms of absolute comfort and uninterrupted performance from morning to night. This is due to its silicone hydrogel material allowing for a more breathable lens and Aquaform Technology which reduces the friction between the eyelid and the lens.
When to replace Air Optix toric contact lenses?
Even more, these Air Optix toric contact lenses have a special ultra-smooth coating to resist irritating protein build-up. Air Optix for Astigmatism are monthly contact lenses, approved for extended wear of up to six nights. After 30 days of use, the lenses should be disposed of and replaced with a brand new pair.
How are Air Optix Aqua Multifocal contact lenses made?
Air Optix® Aqua Multifocal contact lenses, manufactured by Alcon® in this 6 pack format, transmit up to 5 times more oxygen than the traditional soft contact lenses. They are made from a new silicone hydrogel material, considered by many to be the most significant advancement since soft contact lenses were introduced more than 30 years ago.
Is there a free trial for Air Optix?
Sign up for a free* trial offer for AIR OPTIX® brand contact lenses. From clear to color to extended wear, AIR OPTIX® offers a full family of lenses to meet your needs. For outstanding comfort and value all year long, ask your eye care professional how you can save on an annual supply of AIR OPTIX ® contact lenses.
Why are toric contact lenses good for Your Eyes?
With one of the highest oxygen transmissibility parameters of any toric contact lens in the market, these lenses help your eyes stay white and look healthy. In addition a patented surface treatment minimizes deposits to contribute to healthy lens wear. Astigmatism is the most common vision problem, caused by an irregular shape of the cornea.