Are Cahaba lilies endangered?
Not extinct
Hymenocallis coronaria/Extinction status
Are Cahaba lilies protected?
Cahaba lilies are being considered for protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Where are the Cahaba lilies in 2021?
To visit the lilies on your own, you can take a trip to the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge located in Bibb County, Alabama, approximately six miles east of West Blocton on County Road 24.
How do Cahaba lilies grow?
The Cahaba lily (Hymenocallis coronaria) is a little tricky when it comes to propagation. In nature this plant drops it’s seed in the water where the plant is growing. These seeds then wash up on the banks of the river or water way. On the bank, they germinate and grow into new plants.
Where is the best place to see the Cahaba lilies?
Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge
According to the Cahaba River Society, the best place to experience the Cahaba lilies is on public land within the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge.
Where does the Cahaba River flow?
Flowing from its headwaters northeast of Birmingham, AL until it reaches the Alabama River southwest of Selma, the Cahaba River is 194 miles long and drains an area of 1,870 square miles.
What is the difference between amaryllis and lily?
The amaryllis has leaves (known as straps) that are long and wide originating from the top of the bulb and blooms from a long bloom stalk that emanates from the mother bulb. The lily has short narrow, pointed leaves that stem off of a tall stem that originates with the bulb.
Is it safe to swim in the Cahaba River?
Most areas in the Cahaba River are safe to swim. But there are a few places where caution is necessary. The riverkeeper group found high levels of e-coli near Elder Street close to Irondale this week . A “do not swim alert” has been issued there.
Is the Cahaba River polluted?
Jefferson County Environmental Services issued an advisory to stay out of waters along the Cahaba River due to pollution from a sewage leak. There is also sediment pollution coming downstream from Bibb County, reported the Shelby County Reporter.
What do you do with amaryllis when finished flowering?
- After flowering, cut down spent flower spikes to the base, but keep the leaves growing on by careful watering and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser weekly.
- Place the bulbs in their pots outside or in the greenhouse during the summer months, but shade them from scorching sunshine and water regularly.
What kind of habitat does a Cahaba Lily live in?
A type of spiderlily belonging to the amaryllis family, the Cahaba lily is noted for the striking beauty of its three-inch-wide white flowers. The lily requires a very specialized habitat—swift-flowing water over rocks and lots of sun—and thus is restricted to shoal areas at or above the fall line.
When do the lilies bloom in the Cahaba River?
The Cahaba lilies bloom from mid-May to mid-June (or Mother’s Day to Father’s Day). The best and largest populations in the Cahaba River are located in the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge.
Why are the Cahaba lily bulbs being poached?
More recently, the lily has become threatened by increasing levels of sediment from development, logging, and mining. In addition, Cahaba lily bulbs are sometimes “poached” and sold to nurseries, a practice that has decimated smaller populations.
How did the Cahaba Lily get its name?
The lily’s scientific name, translated as “beautiful crown-like membrane,” accurately depicts these characteristics. The development of the individual flower buds on a stalk takes place in a set sequence, and a fresh flower opens each day for pollinators.