Can AutoCAD run on Windows 8?

Can AutoCAD run on Windows 8?

AutoCAD 2020 including Specialized Toolsets and AutoCAD LT 2020 for Windows requires the 64-bit Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 operating system. Make sure that your Windows OS is updated before you begin to install AutoCAD 2020 including Specialized Toolsets or AutoCAD LT 2020.

Why is AutoCAD not installing?

Empty the Temp folder: How to delete temporary files in Windows. Disable all antivirus software (re-enable afterwards). Disable User Account Control (re-enable afterwards). Download the Autodesk product via the Autodesk Account or through the Virtual Agent using the Download Now or Browse Download method.

Is there a 64bit version of AutoCAD 2010?

Your 64bit AutoCAD 2010 was never designed to run in Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 64bit (these versions of Windows are newer than AutoCAD 2010) – you may see random crashing, hanging on startup and/or slow performance…

How to install AutoCAD LT 2010 on Windows 10?

Run the exe, it will ask to unzip to a folder inside of c:\\Autodesk, make a note of the folder for later use (we’ll refer to it from here as c:\\Autodesk\\AutoCADLT2010 ), now click OK. Wait until all of the files have extracted, when they do, the AutoCAD LT 2010 setup will automatically launch – simply close it and move to the next step.

How to install 64bit AutoCAD on Windows 7?

Next, using the “…” button, select your AutoCAD installation CD and follow the instructions presented by the Converter tool user interface. Once you have completed the AutoCAD installation process…

Is there support for Autodesk in Windows 8?

Autodesk intends to support many of our key products on Windows 8 and will add additional products to the list of products supported on Windows 8 as updates and future versions are released. Product Support will provide its best effort to assist customers who have issues with products that are not currently supported.

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