Do both the monkey and the banana experience the same acceleration if yes what value of acceleration?

Do both the monkey and the banana experience the same acceleration if yes what value of acceleration?

Explanation: Both the monkey and the banana will experience the same downward acceleration, so the banana will be pulled down from its target line the same distance that the monkey falls. Assuming the monkey drops at the instant the banana is fired, only pointing the cannon directly at the monkey will result in a hit.

Does the banana hit the monkey?

Both banana and monkey experience the same acceleration since gravity causes all objects to accelerate at the same rate regardless of their mass. Since both banana and monkey experience the same acceleration each will fall equal amounts below their gravity-free path. Thus, the banana hits the monkey.

What is monkey banana problem in AI?

If monkey and the block both are on the floor, and block is at the center, then the monkey can climb up on the block. So the vertical position of the monkey will be changed. When the monkey is on the block, and block is at the center, then the monkey can get the bananas.

What do you notice about the banana and monkeys acceleration?

Both banana and monkey experience the same acceleration since gravity causes all objects to accelerate at the same rate regardless of their mass. Since both banana and monkey experience the same acceleration each will fall equal amounts below their gravity-free path.

Will the bullet hit the monkey?

Yes, the bullet will hit the monkey. As at the same instant when the hunter fires the bullet, the monkey also drops. Now both, bullet and monkey will experience the same downward acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. Monkeys will fall with initial velocity u = 0 and will also suffer acceleration due to gravity.

Why should you aim at the monkey?

A faster bullet will hit the monkey at a higher height while a slower bullet will simply meet the monkey closer to the ground. Because gravity imparts the same acceleration on both objects, their vertical positions will be inextricably linked if the hunter aims directly at the monkey.

Is the 5 monkeys experiment true?

Apparently it is supposed to describe a real scientific experiment that was performed on a group of monkeys, and it is supposed to raise profound questions about our tendency to unquestioningly follow the herd. Unfortunately it is complete and utter nonsense, because no such experiment ever happened.

What is monkey favorite food?

Many people think that monkeys just eat bananas, but that isn’t true. This means that they eat meat and plant-based foods. Most monkeys eat nuts, fruits, seeds and flowers. Some monkeys also eat meat in the form of bird’s eggs, small lizards, insects and spiders.

Where must you aim the rifle to hit the falling monkey Why?

Because of Galilean equivalence, the (approximately) constant gravitational field (approximately) disappears, leaving us with only the horizontal velocity of both the dart and the monkey. In this reference frame the hunter should aim straight at the monkey, since the monkey is stationary.

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