How do I get Sulfuron ingots?
This item drops from Golemagg the Incinerator in the Molten Core. [60] A Binding Contract, which in exchange for the ingot gets you the [Plans: Sulfuron Hammer]. Along with many other items, eight more Sulfuron Ingots are needed to make the [Sulfuron Hammer].
How much does it cost to make Sulfuron hammer?
The reagents cost can be vary from 1500g to 3000g depends on server you playinng.
How do you make Sulfuras?
To make Sulfuras, you first need to make Sulfuron Hammer. A blacksmith with 300 in skill is needed for that and the plans for it are sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer at the BRD tavern (the same guy you do turn ins to for increased Thorium Brotherhood rep after you reach honored).
What is Sulfuron ingot used for?
Source. This item drops from Golemagg the Incinerator in the Molten Core. [60] A Binding Contract, which in exchange for the ingot gets you the [Plans: Sulfuron Hammer]. Along with many other items, eight more Sulfuron Ingots are needed to make the Sulfuron Hammer.
Where do I get elementium ingot?
Blackwing Lair
Elementium Ingot is a special ingot of Elementium created by the metallurgists of Blackwing Lair. Very rare and difficult to find and process, it is used in the creation of extremely powerful weapons and armor. The ingots and Blacksmith recipe to process it can only be found in Blackwing Lair.
Can you Transmog hand of rag?
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros can be transmogrified by classes who are able to wield Two-Hand maces, that is Death Knights, Druids, Paladins, Shamans, and Warriors. The character must be of level 60 or above to use the weapon appearance.
How do you get the hand of Ragnaros in Shadowlands?
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros is a crafted/fused mace. It requires you to get a Legendary (Orange) item to drop from Ragnaros, the last boss in MC call the Eye of Sulfuras.
Can hunters use hand of rag?
HUNTERS CANT EVEN USE 2H MACE! ITS A WARRIOR WEAPON! WARRRIOR! shamans dont need this weapon, their already overpowered.
What is Sulfuron ingot?
The Sulfuron Ingot is used to make the Sulfuron Hammer. The plan has been found in the test patch files as shown at There is a report that you get the plan by turning in a Sulfuron Ingot to Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the BRD bar.