How do you make Silage on Farming Simulator 15?
The primary method of producing Silage in bulk is by fermenting Grass and/or Chaff in a fermentation bunker. In both Bjornholm and Westbridge Hills, there are 5 such bunkers: 4 large ones at the Biogas Plant, and a smaller one at the Cow Pasture.
What does a loading wagon do in Farming Simulator?
A Loading Wagon (or “Forage Wagon”) is an open receptacle on wheels, which can be filled with Grass, Straw or Chaff. Unlike a Tipper, the Loading Wagon can also collect Grass and Straw directly from the field. A Loading Wagon can dump its cargo at specific locations (such as selling points).
How do you unload a loading wagon?
Dumping is the only way to unload a Loading Wagon. In Farming Simulator 17, other than driving a Loading Wagon to a designated unloading spot like a Barn or Feeding Trough to be unloaded, you can also dump the cargo directly on the ground to create a Pile of material.
What do you do with chaff in Farming Simulator 15?
In the base game, Chaff can be produced from Wheat, Barley, Canola, Corn, or Grass, as well as mowed Grass and Straw. Chaffing Corn is the most effective of these. Chaff is then used to produce Silage. It cannot be sold as-is, but will make a massive profit once turned into Silage.
Where do you sell grass on Farming Simulator 15?
To sell Grass, simply drive the Loading Wagon close to the heap and unload. There is an additional, unmarked offloading point at your farm. It is a brown barn, with its door open, that has straw spread out in front of the door.
Can straw be turned into silage fs19?
Straw can be picked up loose by forage wagons, scoops, or forage harvesters equipped with the right header, or can be pressed into bales through the use of a baler. Straw is one of the three ingredients, along with Silage and Hay, needed to create Total Mixed Ration (TMR).
What is the best harvester in fs19?
Top 10 Harvesters
- FiatAgri 3500AL.
- New Holland TC 57.
- Claas Mega Pack.
- John Deere X9.
- John Deere 9400 – 9500.
- Claas Lexion 600 Serie V2.
- New Holland CR EVO Series. Combine harvester New Holland CR 5.85, 6.80, 7.90 and 8.90 EVO.
- Case IH 2388 x_clusive V1.1. update 2388.
Where do you sell straw in Farming Simulator 19?
The barn, if you click on the price in the menu it will let you tag the location and put a green marker on it. In Ravenport it’s up the hill behind your starting farm.
What is chaff fs19?
Chaff is a type of secondary Crop. It is essentially plant matter that has been shredded up whole. Chaff is not grown, instead it is produced from a variety of primary Crop plants. In the base game, it can be produced from Wheat, Barley, Canola, Corn, Grass, Mowed Grass, and Straw.
Where to sell silage in Farming Simulator 15?
It is the single most valuable substance in the game when sold this way. To sell Silage, it must be dumped into the Fliegl receptacles next to the dome-shaped structures at the Biogas Plant. Both receptacles are treated as the same selling point, so it doesn’t matter which one is used.
How does a loading wagon work in Farming Simulator?
Unlike a Tipper, the Loading Wagon can also collect Grass and Straw directly from the field. A Loading Wagon can dump its cargo at specific locations (such as selling points). The base game provides 3 different types of Loading Wagons of various sizes, which can attach to different classes of vehicles.
Which is the most valuable commodity in Farming Simulator 15?
The in-game symbol for Silage. Silage is a type of commodity in Farming Simulator 15. It is the most valuable commodity by default. Silage can be produced from Grass, Chaff, or Hay, and requires a different process depending on which material is chosen.
How does a loading wagon work on a forage harvester?
Forage Harvesters have no holding capacity of their own – they need to continuously dump all of the Chaff they create into an external holding tank. This can be done by attaching a Tipper or Loading Wagon directly behind the harvester, or by towing one next to the Harvester using a separate tractor.