How do you name unit tests?

How do you name unit tests?

Unit test naming guidelines

  1. No rigid naming policy. You can’t fit a high-level description of a complex behavior into a narrow box of such a policy.
  2. Name the test as if you were describing the scenario to a non-programmer person who is familiar with the problem domain.
  3. Separate words by underscores.

How should unit tests be written?

Here we go.

  1. Test One Thing at a Time in Isolation.
  2. Follow the AAA Rule: Arrange, Act, Assert.
  3. Write Simple “Fastball-Down-the-Middle” Tests First.
  4. Test Across Boundaries.
  5. If You Can, Test the Entire Spectrum.
  6. If Possible, Cover Every Code Path.
  7. Write Tests That Reveal a Bug, Then Fix It.
  8. Make Each Test Independent.

What are the characteristics of a good unit test?

Characteristics of a good unit test

  • Fast. It is not uncommon for mature projects to have thousands of unit tests.
  • Isolated. Unit tests are standalone, can be run in isolation, and have no dependencies on any outside factors such as a file system or database.
  • Repeatable.
  • Self-Checking.
  • Timely.

What is unit test code?

A unit test is a way of testing a unit – the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated in a system. In most programming languages, that is a function, a subroutine, a method or property. Modern versions of unit testing can be found in frameworks like JUnit, or testing tools like TestComplete.

How do you do automated unit testing?

Unit testing can be done manually but is usually automated. Unit testing is a part of the test-driven development (TDD) methodology that requires developers to first write failing unit tests. Then they write code in order to change the application until the test passes.

Why are naming conventions important in unit testing?

As we know Naming standards in any format for anything like ( code, documents, unit test, etc) are always helpful in the long run. The naming standard brings uniformity, avoids ambiguity. Coming to Unit testing naming, however, we don’t really need to get crazy. However, by following them we get multiple benefits.

What should the name of a unit test be?

Test names should tell the scenario under test and the expected results. Long names are acceptable when writing unit tests since test names show the purpose behind what they’re testing. Assertion messages aren’t needed if you name your test the right way. These are 4 common naming conventions we can use.

Do you need a naming convention for JUnit 4?

With JUnit 4 (or TestNG) this is longer mandatory and it leaves the developer free to define his own naming convention. But then you “configure” the method as a test using the @Test annotation.

When to use underscores to name unit tests?

This convention uses underscores to separate the unit of work or entry point, the test scenario and the expected behavior. With this convention, we can read our test names out loud like this: “When calling Remove with no parameters, then it returns empty”. 2. Plain English sentence

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