Is light armor worth it in Oblivion?

Is light armor worth it in Oblivion?

With both types at 100 Heavy is an objectively better choice as the only difference mechanically at that point is how fast your armor is degrading….Light Armor.

Pros Cons
Is cheaper to repair because of low item health Armor degrades faster, making you lose armor rating quickly in large fights

Where can I train light armor in Oblivion?

Light Armor

Level Trainer Location
Apprentice Olfand At Nord Winds in Bruma.
Apprentice Dul gro-Shrug Inside his house in the Imperial City Elven Garden District.
Journeyman Luciana Galena At the Lonely Suitor Lodge in Bravil after noon.
Journeyman Ahdarji In her house on the eastern side of Leyawiin.

Who teaches light armor in Oblivion?

The two advanced trainers who can give you the master training reference necessary to start this quest are Ahdarji in Leyawiin and Luciana Galena in Bravil. Speak with J’bari of Leyawiin to find that he will only provide you with training if you give him an elven cuirass.

Is two handed good oblivion?

Two-handed weapons require the use of both hands to wield, making the use of secondary items such as a shield or torch impossible while the weapon is equipped and drawn. Two-handed weapons generally do more damage and have a longer reach, but they also have a lower attack speed.

How do I increase my blade skill in Oblivion?

Your blade skill increases by 0.5 experience points each time you hit a living target with a blade weapon, regardless of the amount of damage inflicted. Hits on inanimate targets (such as those in the Fighters Guild training rooms) do not provide any experience.

How do you get a drain skill in Oblivion?

Drain Skill: Marksman can be purchased from Sulinus Vassinus, who resides in the Skingrad Mages Guild.

Who are the light armor trainers in Oblivion?

Light Armor Training is a quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion . The low level Light Armor trainers are Dul gro-Shug, who has a house in the northeast quadrant of the Imperial City, Elven Gardens District and Olfand, who works out of Nord Winds in Bruma .

When do you get weightless armor in Oblivion?

When your skill stats reach 100 for both light and heavy armor, both types will be weightless (only while wearing them), and light armor will be at 150 % effectiveness. This makes Elven equivalent to Ebony and Glass equivalent to Daedric.

What do you call a set of armor in Oblivion?

An Armor Set is defined as a complete set of armor that includes one matching armor piece for the head, chest, hands and feet. There are several different armor sets available in Oblivion, both in heavy and light variants. Certain Armor set can provide special bonuses if the full set is worn.

Who is the Master of light armor in Elder Scrolls?

At a skill of 70, they’ll send the Hero to the master, J’bari, who shares a house in south-central Leyawiin with midlevel Acrobatics trainer Tsrava. J’Bari wants a new Elven Cuirass before he can train the Hero.

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