What are conflicting interests of stakeholders?

What are conflicting interests of stakeholders?

When stakeholders want different outcomes from a business activity and are unable to meet or accomplish their needs or wants, this is referred to as a conflict of interest. As we noted, each stakeholder has a different interest and the business organization cannot treat all stakeholders equally.

How do you handle conflicting interests between stakeholders?

Here are a few ways to manage stakeholders and show them they matter:

  1. Find people project roles that best match their interests and talents.
  2. Always treat people with respect, even when tempers rise.
  3. Give praise often, especially when you notice positive behavior.
  4. Provide training and coaching to all involved.

Why different stakeholders have conflicting requirements?

Task 1: Conflict Identification It is very common that different stakeholders might be requesting requirements to be included that conflict with each other. This is simply a result of conflicting priorities between stakeholder groups and they may not realize they are requesting conflicting requirements.

How does conflict arise between stakeholders?

Conflicts arise when the decisions are opposite to the interests of the above stakeholders. They may then attempt to use their power and political influence, to discredit the decision and eventually change it according to their interests.

What are the interests of a stakeholder?

A stakeholder has a vested interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by a business’ operations and performance. Typical stakeholders are investors, employees, customers, suppliers, communities, governments, or trade associations.

How do you manage stakeholders with different priorities?


  1. Address Conflicts Early.
  2. Uncover Motivations Behind the Stakeholders’ Perspectives.
  3. Look For Relationships Between Issues.
  4. Involve Senior Management.
  5. Solicit Agreement to Objectives and Approach from Divergent Stakeholder Groups.
  6. Use Multiple Routes and Forms of Communication.

How do you manage stakeholders?

Use the following five steps to do so:

  1. Summarize Each Stakeholder’s Status.
  2. Decide What You Want From Each Stakeholder.
  3. Identify Your Key Message to Each Stakeholder.
  4. Identify Your Stakeholder Communication Approach.
  5. Implement Your Stakeholder Management Plan.

How do you identify conflicting requirements?

Two requirements are conflicting if you cannot implement them boththe solution to one requirement prohibits implementing the other. For example, if one requirement asks for the product to “be available to all” and another says it shall be “fully secure,” then both requirements cannot be implemented as specified.

What is the purpose of a stakeholder power interest grid?

The power/interest grid is a matrix used for categorising stakeholders during a change project to allow them to be effectively managed. Stakeholders are plotted on the grid in relation to the power and interest they have in respect of the project.

How to deal with conflicts of interest between stakeholders?

The matter of handling such problems with utmost diplomacy is important since a stakeholder, regardless of the impact of his interests in your project, can still be capable of affecting the results of a project. Stakeholder management provides us guidelines on how to deal with problems concerning clashes of interest.

Who are the different stakeholders in a project?

Different Stakeholder Interests: Every project will have several stakeholders – customer, vendors, management, project management team, external contractors, government, etc. Differences in interest from the point of view of the stakeholders can be a significant cause of conflicts during a project.

What are conflicts of interest in project management?

One of the complexities of project management includes dealing with conflicts of interest that arise between stakeholders. By stakeholders, the first sector that usually comes to mind is that of the shareholders, whose interests have always been regarded as first and foremost by virtue of business traditions and norms.

Which is an example of conflicting stakeholder expectations?

Examples of conflicting stakeholder expectations will be illustrated using three actual projects which ended with varying levels of success. A key point is the need to identify and reconcile differences early in the project. Support from senior management may be required to clarify the business objectives and consolidate an approach.

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