What are the complications of shoulder dislocation?

What are the complications of shoulder dislocation?

Complications of a dislocated shoulder may include: Tearing of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that reinforce your shoulder joint. Nerve or blood vessel damage in or around your shoulder joint.

Which nerve is injured in inferior dislocation of shoulder joint?

While the diagnosis of an inferior shoulder dislocation is relatively simple, clinicians should assess for any distal neurovascular injuries, including assessment of the axillary nerve along with the radial and ulnar distributions of the brachial plexus, as these tend to occur in inferior dislocations.

Which of the following is frequently injured as a complication of shoulder dislocations?

The axillary nerve, the nerve most often injured with shoulder dislocations, runs inferiorly to the humeral head and wraps around the surgical neck of the humerus (figure 7). It innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles and the skin overlying the lateral shoulder (“shoulder badge” distribution).

What are the complication of dislocation?

Complications of a joint dislocation can include: Tearing of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that reinforce the injured joint. Nerve or blood vessel damage in or around your joint. Susceptibility to reinjury if you have a severe dislocation or repeated dislocations.

Can a shoulder dislocation cause nerve damage?

Neurological complications resulting from shoulder dislocation include single nerve injuries, as well as more complex brachial plexus injuries (BPIs) and can cause a wide scale of disability, ranging from transient weakening of the upper limb and tingling sensation to total permanent paralysis of the limb associated …

What causes an inferior shoulder dislocation?

The most inferior dislocations result from forceful hyperabduction of the shoulder. Forceful, direct axial loading of an abducted shoulder can also result in luxatio erecta. The patients come to the emergency room with the hand up position in the effected arm.

What nerves are damaged in shoulder dislocation?

Whilst all nerves of the brachial plexus are at risk of injury during glenohumeral dislocation, the most commonly injured is the axillary nerve.

What is the treatment for a dislocated shoulder?

Dislocated Shoulder Treatment. Treatment for a dislocated shoulder includes: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Rest and immobilization of the arm. Ice or a cold pack for the first two days, followed by applying heat as needed after that.

What are symptoms of a separated shoulder?

Signs and symptoms of a separated shoulder might include: Shoulder pain. Shoulder or arm weakness. Shoulder bruising or swelling. Limited shoulder movement.

Does dislocated shoulder hurt?

Having a dislocated shoulder is very painful. It is very hard to move your arm. You may also have: Some swelling and bruising to your shoulder. Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm, hand, or fingers.

How do you treat a dislocated bone?

It may also depend on the severity of your dislocation. According to Johns Hopkins University , initial treatment for any dislocation involves RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. In some cases, the dislocated joint might go back into place naturally after this treatment.

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