What does number nine say backwards?
turn me on, dead man
The loop of “number nine” featured in the recording fuelled the legend of Paul McCartney’s death after it was reported that it sounded like “turn me on, dead man” when played backwards.
What life path number was John Lennon?
number 9
So what we do know about John’s connections to the number 9 throughout his life that caused him to become so obsessed with it’s significance? Many key dates and events in his life contained the number 9.
Why did the Beatles play number nine backwards?
The loop of “number nine” featured in the recording fuelled the fallacy of McCartney’s death after it was reported that it sounded like “turn me on, dead man” when played backwards. Thanks to YouTube, we can now hear, in a bit of a stretch of the imagination – maybe – what they were actually telling us.
Where does the number 9 come from in Revolution number 9?
REVOLUTION #9 BACKWARDS After a brief piano introduction taken from an unreleased Paul McCartney song, a loop of a male repeating the words “number nine” (taken from an EMI test tape indicating a recording of the ninth take of a song) begins to be heard, (this phrase fades in and out throughout the recording as a sort of Leitmotif).
Where did the song number 9 come from?
After a brief piano introduction taken from an unreleased Paul McCartney song, a loop of a male repeating the words “number nine” (taken from an EMI test tape indicating a recording of the ninth take of a song) begins to be heard, (this phrase fades in and out throughout the recording as a sort of Leitmotif).
How old was the Beatles when Revolution # 9 came out?
Given how downright weird, strange and brilliant The Beatles’ White Album is, I clearly remember being so freaked out by Revolution #9. Going from “She Loves You” to this in less than 7 years? Potent stuff for an 11-year-old at the time.