What is a Bradoon bit?

What is a Bradoon bit?

A bradoon bit is a small ringed snaffle bit that fits in the top bit position of a double bridle, sitting above a Weymouth bit on an English dressage bridle or Saddleseat bridle. Unlike the regular snaffle, the bradoon bit has a smaller cheek ring, allowing it to fit above the Weymouth bit on a double bridle.

Can you use a Bradoon on its own?

A Bradoon bit is the snaffle bit from a double bridle. It’s fine to use it on it’s own, they generally have smaller cheek rings so can look neater on a small head than a large ringed bit.

What is a Weymouth bit?

A Weymouth bit completes the double bridle together with a bradoon bit. The classic Weymouth bit features an unbroken mouthpiece. The Weymouth bridle is used in upper level dressage and is only recommended for experienced riders.

Why would you use a double bridle?

The double bridle is used in order to refine and finesse communication between horse and rider at the highest levels of classical riding. The double bridle is made up of the Bradoon bit and the Weymouth bit, often referred to as the snaffle and the curb.

How does a curb bit work?

A curb bit works on three points of the horse’s head when the reins are pulled: the mouth, the chin, and the poll. Like a snaffle, there is some pressure placed on the bars of the mouth when the reins are pulled. Depending on the style of the mouthpiece, there may also be action on the tongue and the roof of the mouth.

What is a Kimblewick bit used for?

This is a bit commonly used in general riding and provides more curb action to a horse that may be a strong puller or needs slight curb action to lower its head. It can not be used in dressage and many hunter classes, although you may see it on field hunters.

What is an Eggbutt snaffle bit used for?

Eggbutt Snaffle Uses One of the most commonly used English snaffle bits is the eggbutt snaffle. It is useful in training a young horse, general riding, and the beginning stages of dressage. Some horses are ridden their whole lives in this type of bit.

How do I choose a Weymouth bit?

The Weymouth is positioned a little bit lower where the horses head gets thinner. We recommend choosing the Weymouth 0.5 to 1 cm smaller than the bradoon in order to achieve the best possible effect and to make the horse feel comfortable.

What is the most gentle bit for a horse?

One of the most common types of snaffle bit is the eggbutt, which is considered to be the gentlest type of snaffle bit because it doesn’t pinch the corners of the horse’s mouth. It has an egg-shaped connection between the mouthpiece and the bit-ring.

How does a Weymouth bit work?

The Weymouth is the curb bit, which works on a lever action. The mouthpiece is effectively the fulcrum, the upper and lower cheeks the lever. The length of the shank below the mouthpiece determines how much action the cheek will have on the poll, rotating around the mouthpiece.

Are double bridles harsh?

How does the double bridle work? Depending upon the rider’s finesse (or lack of it), the double bridle can be a very severe tool. When the curb bit is brought into play, it applies pressure to the horse’s poll and to the lower jaw via the curb chain.

When should you introduce a double bridle?

When should you start using a double bridle? Introducing the double bridle should only happen when your horse is going well in a plain snaffle. Too many riders try to use a double bridle to correct problems such as their horse working above the bit or bearing down on the rider’s hand.

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