What is a normal reading on a spirometer?

What is a normal reading on a spirometer?

FEV1 measurement

Percentage of predicted FEV1 value Result
80% or greater normal
70%–79% mildly abnormal
60%–69% moderately abnormal
50%–59% moderate to severely abnormal

How do I read my pulmonary function test results?

This number represents the percent of the lung size (FVC) that can be exhaled in one second. For example, if the FEV1 is 4 and the FVC is 5, then the FEV1/ FVC ratio would be 4/5 or 80%. This means the individual can breath out 80% of the inhaled air in the lungs in one second.

What does 50 percent lung capacity mean?

If it is only half full, it is 50% full. And 33% means it is only one-third full, and so on. Likewise, if your FEV1 is 50%, your lungs are able to handle only half as much air as they should. If your FEV1 is 33%, your lungs are able to handle even less—only a third as much.

What are your spirometry results based on?

Normal results of spirometry are calculated based on your gender, age, height, and race. Your doctor calculates your predicted result before you take the test. If your score is 80% or more of the predicted value, your test is considered normal.

What are the normal range lab values for blood tests?

It is the measurement of the normal range of red blood cell count of a person. RBC (Male) 4.2 – 5.6 10^6 / µL [Scientific Notation: 10^6 = 1,000,000] RBC (Female) 3.8 – 5.1 10^6 / µL

What is the normal lab values?

The normal range is 8 to 33 U/L. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Some labs use different measurements or may test different samples. Talk to your health care provider about the meaning of your specific test results.

What do spirometry test results tell you?

Spirometry is a type of “pulmonary function” test. It measures how well your lungs are working . Your doctor uses the test results to help determine whether you have COPD or other potential lung disease. If you have COPD, the results also show how severe your COPD is.

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