What is a synonym of snarky?

What is a synonym of snarky?

snippety, snippy, stuffy, testy, waspish Visit the Thesaurus for More.

What is being snarky?

(informal) Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation, often humorously. The definition of snarky is someone who is cranky, snide or sarcastic. Saying “nice haircut” in a sarcastic and snide way is an example of a comment that would be described as snarky.

What’s the opposite of snarky?

Opposite of having a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered. easygoing. affable. genial. friendly.

What’s another word for passive aggressive?

Today, passive-aggressive is also used in everyday conversation to refer to a tendency some people have toward a less direct style of communication, especially communication that may create conflict. Some potential synonyms for this kind of behavior are negativistic, apathetic, petulant, or snide.

How do you deal with a snarky person?

Here are ten ways to respond the next time someone says something rude:

  1. Ask yourself what the “get” is for the other person.
  2. Don’t assume it’s an insult.
  3. Think before you react.
  4. Turn the insult into a direct question.
  5. Keep your game face on.
  6. Address the issue privately.

What’s a nice way to say sassy?

What is another word for sassy?

cheeky bold
audacious saucy
cocky rude
flip nervy
wise brassy

What does the term ‘snarky’ mean?

The definition of snarky is someone who is cranky, snide or sarcastic.

What is the adjective for snarky?

Tara’s coworker often made snarky remarks that were rude and unprofessional. adjective. The definition of snarky is someone who is cranky, snide or sarcastic. Saying “nice haircut” in a sarcastic and snide way is an example of a comment that would be described as snarky.

What does sarky mean?

The definition of sarky is a British term for a sarcastic person. An example of a sarky person is someone who says they like someone but make unkind comments about the person. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

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