What is asset Liferay?

What is asset Liferay?

The asset framework powers the core Liferay features so you can add them to your application. As background, the term asset refers to any type of content in the portal. This could be text, a file, a URL, an image, documents, blog entries, bookmarks, wiki pages, or anything you create in your applications.

What is Liferay used for?

The reasons to use Liferay DXP for your website are simple: it provides a robust platform to build your site on quickly and serve it to all clients, be they desktop, mobile, or anything in between; it provides all the standard applications you need to run on your site; and it provides an easy to use development …

How does Liferay search work?

Liferay DXP stores its data in a database. Liferay DXP instead leverages a search engine for its search capabilities. Using a search engine like Elasticsearch lets you convert searchable entities into documents. Documents are created and added to the index at the same time they’re added to the database.

What is asset publisher in Liferay?

The Asset Publisher is a highly configurable application that lets you query for mixed types of content on the fly. By giving you the ability to control what and how content is displayed from one location, the Asset Publisher helps you to “bubble up” the most relevant content to your users.

Who Uses Liferay?

Liferay is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue.

How do I set up an asset publisher in Liferay?

To get to all the portlet’s options, click the Options button in the portlet’s menu (the gear icon). On the Setup tab, you can configure the Asset Publisher’s settings from the following three areas: Asset Selection. Display Settings.

Why is Liferay?

Solution: Liferay has a unique advantage as it allows for easy integration with all modern and legacy technologies like . NET, Java, PHP, C+, etc. Moreover, its dynamic structure allows it to merge, collate and integrate databases and features of existing systems easily on its digital experience platform. 6.

Is Liferay free?

This library, Liferay Portal Community Edition, is free software (“Licensed Software”); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

How do you use Liferay?

You can use liferay portlet for creating an enterprise, standard and scalable Web Application….Download Liferay

  1. Download latest Liferay Portal from this link.
  2. Unzip the downloaded into your directory.
  3. Restart your Eclipse and make sure you’re able of defining a new Liferay Server.

What are all Liferay versions?

Liferay ships in two different editions: Liferay Portal Community Edition (CE) and Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition (EE).

What can you do with Liferay Asset Framework?

Liferay’s asset framework is a system that allow you to add common functionality to your application. For example, you might build an event management application that shows a list of upcoming events. It might be nice to be able to tag or categorize those events to provide users with metadata describing more about them.

Where do I find configuring search in Liferay?

In fact, Configuring Search means all those things. This is a high level overview of what search behavior is configurable out of the box, and importantly, where to find search configuration options. System scoped search configurations are primarily found in System Settings. Go to Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings.

Which is the default behavior in Liferay search?

The default behavior is to commit immediately for index writing on individual assets (e.g. add blog, update blog) but delay commits for bulk index writing operations (e.g. index all users, index all form entries) until all entries have been sent to the search engine.

What does index status manager do in Liferay?

The Index Status Manager entry has one setting: indexReadOnly: Suspends all indexing operations and writes to the search engine. Searches return only the documents already indexed. This is useful for speeding up large data imports, but it should be disabled and a full re-index executed once the import is finished.

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