What is meant by irresolution?
noun. lack of resolution; lack of decision or purpose; vacillation.
How do you use irresolution in a sentence?
Irresolution sentence example After much irresolution he refused Caesar’s invitations and resolved to join Pompey’s forces in Greece. From the 10th to the 13th Napoleon lay at Duben, again a prey to the most extraordinary irresolution , but on that day he thought he saw his opportunity.
What does irresolute mean in literature?
: uncertain how to act or proceed : vacillating irresolute legislators.
What is decisiveness definition?
adjective. having the power or quality of deciding; putting an end to controversy; crucial or most important: Your argument was the decisive one. characterized by or displaying no or little hesitation; resolute; determined: The general was known for his decisive manner. indisputable; definite: a decisive defeat.
What’s the definition of delusive?
tending to delude; misleading; deceptive: a delusive reply. of the nature of a delusion; false; unreal: a delusive belief.
What is the meaning of Irresolutely?
Irresolute describes someone who feels stuck. A decision must be made, a plan acted on, but the irresolute person just doesn’t know what to do. Resolute describes certainty. When someone is resolute, things get done: plans are made and carried out.
What is the meaning of sunnies?
a pair of sunglasses
/ (ˈsʌnɪz) / pl n. informal a pair of sunglasses.
Is being decisive a good thing?
In the workplace, decisiveness is key to effectively executing plans and achieving goals. It is important to balance the costs of continuing to deliberate, gather information, and delay a decision versus the costs of making a poor choice. Most importantly, decisive leaders make decisions that are clear and final.
What is persuasiveness mean?
Definitions of persuasiveness. the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty. synonyms: strength. Antonyms: unpersuasiveness. inability to persuade.