What is optional SPARQL?

What is optional SPARQL?

OPTIONAL is a binary operator that combines two graph patterns. The optional pattern is any group pattern and may involve any SPARQL pattern types. If the group matches, the solution is extended, if not, the original solution is given (q-opt3. rq).

What types of queries does SPARQL support?

SPARQL also supports aggregation, subqueries, negation, creating values by expressions, extensible value testing, and constraining queries by source RDF graph. The results of SPARQL queries can be result sets or RDF graphs.

How do I filter a Sparql query?

FILTER(condition) is a clause you can insert into your SPARQL query to, well, filter the results. Inside the parentheses, you can put any expression of boolean type, and only those results where the expression returns true are used.

How do I query in SPARQL?

The basic building block for SPARQL queries is triple patterns. A triple pattern is just like an RDF graph triple, but you can use a variable in any one of the three positions. We use triple patterns to find the matching triples in a graph and variables act like wildcards that match any node.


1. It’s a SPARQL 1.1 property path which describes a route through a graph between two graph nodes, in your case it denotes the inverse path, i.e. from object to subject, thus, it’s equivalent to.

How do I run a Sparql query?

Executing the query

  1. Windows setup. Execute: bat\sparql.bat –data=doc\Tutorial\vc-db-1.rdf –query=doc\Tutorial\q1.rq.
  2. bash scripts for Linux/Cygwin/Unix. Execute: bin/sparql –data=doc/Tutorial/vc-db-1.rdf –query=doc/Tutorial/q1.rq.
  3. Using the Java command line applications directly. (This is not necessary.)

How are triple patterns used in SPARQL queries?

The basic building block for SPARQL queries is triple patterns. A triple pattern is just like an RDF graph triple, but you can use a variable in any one of the three positions. We use triple patterns to find the matching triples in a graph and variables act like wildcards that match any node.

How to use SPARQL to query RDF triple store?

Example #1: Find all class-containing ontology graphs: This example is aimed to find all ontologies in our RDF triple store. Typically every single ontology includes at least one class. This SPARQL script searches those ontology graphs in the RDF triple store that contains at least one class.

What are the basic building blocks of SPARQL?

The basic building block for SPARQL queries is triple patterns. A triple pattern is just like an RDF graph triple, but you can use a variable in any one of the three positions.

How to skip the first n results in SPARQL?

We can skip the first N results by adding an OFFSET N clause at the end of the query where N is a positive integer. A paging capability can be supported by using LIMIT and OFFSET. We can filter the results returned by a query using a FILTER expression.

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