What is rabbinic tradition?

What is rabbinic tradition?

Rabbinic tradition holds that the details and interpretation of the Torah (Written Law), which are called the Oral Torah or oral law, were originally an unwritten tradition based upon what God told Moses on Mount Sinai.

What is in the Babylonian Talmud?

The Talmud, meaning ‘teaching’ is an ancient text containing Jewish sayings, ideas and stories. It includes the Mishnah (oral law) and the Gemara (‘Completion’).

What is Mishnah in the Bible?

What is the Mishnah? Compiled around 200 by Judah the Prince, the Mishnah, meaning ‘repetition’, is the earliest authoritative body of Jewish oral law. It records the views of rabbinic sages known as the Tannaim (from the Aramaic ‘tena’, meaning to teach).

Is the Talmud a holy book?

The Talmud, the book of Jewish law, is one of the most challenging religious texts in the world.

What is Moses Mendelssohn remembered for?

Moses Mendelssohn, (born September 26, 1729, Dessau, Anhalt [Germany]—died January 4, 1786, Berlin, Prussia), German Jewish philosopher, critic, and Bible translator and commentator who greatly contributed to the efforts of Jews to assimilate to the German bourgeoisie.

Which is older Talmud or Torah?

The Talmud contains the history of the Jewish religion, as well as their laws and beliefs. The Torah is basically the Hebrew Bible – it contains the 613 commandments, and is the whole context of Jewish laws and traditions. Some people may say that the Torah is the Old Testament.

What do the rabbis comment on in the Talmud and how do they support their arguments?

What do the rabbis comment on in the Talmud, and how do they support their arguments? The rabbis will interpret the Mishnah. When they interpret it it is called the Talmud. Rather than describing them as a single race or genetically related people what is the most accurate way to think of the jews?

What are the three methods of Jewish exegesis?

The first three exegetical methods: Peshat-Simple, Remez-Hinted, and Drush-Homiletic belong to the exoteric “Nigleh-Revealed” part of Torah embodied in mainstream Rabbinic literature, such as the Talmud, Midrash, and exoteric-type Jewish commentaries on the Bible.

What does Pardes stand for in Jewish exegesis?

” Pardes ” refers to (types of) approaches to biblical exegesis in rabbinic Judaism or to interpretation of text in Torah study. The term, sometimes also spelled PaRDeS, is an acronym formed from the same initials of the following four approaches:

Which is the fourth level of exegesis in Judaism?

The fourth level of exegesis, Sod-Secret, belongs to the esoteric ” Nistar-Hidden ” interpretations of Scripture found alternatively in Jewish mysticism-Kabbalah or in Jewish philosophy-Metaphysics. Religious adherents of Kabbalah and of Rationalism fought over their alternative claims to know the esoteric meaning.

How is Jewish religious esotericism related to exotericism?

In this way, Jewish religious esotericism is inseparable from exoteric Judaism. Their esoteric meanings did not deny the truth of exotericism, but rather reinforced the need for exoteric Halacha Jewish law and practical observance of the 613 Mitzvot as God’s plan in Creation.

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