What is the highest rated episode of Avatar?

What is the highest rated episode of Avatar?

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Best Season 3 Episodes, Ranked By…

  1. 1 Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang, Episode 21 (9.9)
  2. 2 Sozin’s Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno, Episode 20 (9.8)
  3. 3 Sozin’s Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters Episode 19 (9.5)
  4. 4 The Avatar and the Firelord, Episode 6 (9.5)

Who is the best character in Avatar?

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Best Character Arcs

  1. 1 Prince Zuko. Without question, Zuko’s character arc is not only the greatest and most dynamic in the series, it’s oftentimes regarded as one of the best in all of television.
  2. 2 Aang.
  3. 3 Sokka.
  4. 4 Katara.
  5. 5 Jet.
  6. 6 Iroh.
  7. 7 Toph.
  8. 8 Mai.

Who are the top 10 best avatars?

Top 10 Greatest Avatar Characters

  • #8: Katara.
  • #7: Bolin.
  • #6: Korra.
  • #5: Sokka.
  • #4: Toph Beifong.
  • #3: Iroh.
  • #2: Aang.
  • #1: Zuko. Prince Zuko began “Avatar” as the show’s primary antagonist, but it wouldn’t be accurate to call him a villain.

Is Aang Filipino?

On Friday, Netflix revealed that Filipino-Canadian actor Gordon Kyle Diez Cormier will lead the cast of its upcoming live-action take on Nickelodeon’s animated series, “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” On Instagram, the 11-year-old wrote, “Wow!

What is the saddest Avatar episode?

“Appa’s Lost Days” is far and away the saddest episode of ATLA.

Who is the most powerful avatar?

1 AVATAR AANG The protagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender ended up becoming the strongest character in the entire series. Despite being 12 years old, he was strong enough to defeat Fire Lord Ozai on his own, without any help (Korra often had assistance when fighting her enemies).

Who was the weakest avatar?

It’s time to find out with The 15 Most Powerful (And 10 Weakest) Benders In The Avatar Universe, Officially Ranked.

  1. 1 Most Powerful: Aang.
  2. 2 Weakest: New Airbenders.
  3. 3 Most Powerful: Korra.
  4. 4 Weakest: The Boulder.
  5. 5 Most Powerful: Iroh.
  6. 6 Most Powerful: Azula.
  7. 7 Weakest: Yon Rha.
  8. 8 Most Powerful: Katara.

How old is Aang Avatar?

112 years old
At 112 years old (physically 12), Aang is the series’ reluctant hero, spending a century in suspended animation in an iceberg before being discovered and joining new friends Katara and Sokka on a quest to master the elements and save their world from the imperialist Fire Nation.

Is Zuko depressed?

Zuko, throughout the series, has depression. He has serious issues with anger and is also trying to shoe-horn himself into what his Father wants from him, hoping if he changes himself he can be accepted by his sister and dad.

How old is Toph in Avatar The Last Airbender?

Toph is the only character to appear in the graphic novel series for both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Original design Toph was originally designed as a sixteen-year-old boy.

Who are the characters in Avatar The Last Airbender?

Toph Beifong ( Chinese: 北方拓芙; pinyin: Běifāng Tuòfú) is a fictional character in Nickelodeon ‘s animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, voiced by Jessie Flower in the original series and Kate Higgins and Philece Sampler in the sequel series. Toph is commonly identified as an…

Who is the youngest earthbending Master in Avatar?

Toph is the youngest known earthbending master in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Despite exclusively using Praying Mantis-style earthbending, it is possible Toph knows some very basic Hung Gar earthbending, at least in form only, since Master Yu gave her beginner-level instruction up until her meeting with Team Avatar.

Why was avatar so successful at the box office?

Box office analysts identified several factors contributing to the film’s box office success.

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