What is the multiple endoscopy rule?
The multiple scope rule requires that you always bundle diagnostic endoscopy with any surgical endoscopy within the same family. When a physician performs two endoscopic procedures in the same family, and neither procedure represents the base procedure, you may report both codes.
Can CPT 33285 and 33286 be billed together?
No since it is the primary procedure you would want to receive full payment on CPT 33285 and a reduced multiple payment on CPT 33286-59. So CPT 33285 & CPT 33286 modifier 59 should be billed for proper payment/following CCI edits.
How often can CPT 93298 be billed?
How often can you bill 93298? A. The professional interpretation CPT code for the remote monitoring of an implantable loop recorder should be billed once for each 30 day period (on day 31).
What is the CPT code for an annual physical exam?
A: The CPT code for the annual routine physical exam for Medicare is 99387 (preventative medicine E/M new patient age 65 and older) or 99397 (preventative medicine E/M established patient age 65 or older). This is the same code for all insurance companies.
What is the CPT code for pulmonary function?
Answer: CPT code for pulmonary function testing is essentially 94010 (spirometry, including graphic record, total and timed vital capacity, expiratory flow rate measurement[s], with or without maximal voluntary ventilation).
What is the CPT code for Respiratory Therapy?
Respiratory Therapy CPT code 31720, 94640, 94664. 94640 – Pressurized or non-pressurized inhalation treatment for acute airway obstruction or for sputum induction for diagnostic purposes (e.g., with an aerosol generator, nebulizer, metered dose inhaler or intermittent positive pressure breathing [IPPB] device).
What is the CPT code for drug screening?
CPT code 80100 or 80101 is used for the initial screen, depending on whether the method detects multiple classes or a single class of drugs. Each confirmatory identification procedure is coded separately using 80102.