What is the outflow pathway of aqueous Humour?

What is the outflow pathway of aqueous Humour?

In uveoscleral outflow, aqueous humor enters the ciliary muscle and exits through the supraciliary space and across the anterior or posterior sclera, through the emissarial canals around the vortex veins, or into the choroidal vessels. The relative proportion of aqueous humor entering each site is controversial.

How does aqueous humor drain out of the eye?

Aqueous humor is produced from the ciliary body, then flows into anterior chamber though the pupil, and finally drains from the eye through a drainage pathway presented by trabecular meshwork and Schlemm’s canal between the cornea and iris (Ethier et al., 2004).

Where does aqueous humor drain into?

Aqueous humor is a low viscosity fluid secreted from plasma components by the ciliary body into the posterior chamber of the eye. The humor then travels to the anterior chamber and proceeds to drain into the systemic cardiovascular circulation by an incompletely understood mechanism.

How many aqueous humor outflow pathways are there?

two pathways
The aqueous humor leaves the eye by passive flow via two pathways – the trabecular meshwork and the uveoscleral pathway. In humans, 75% of the resistance to aqueous humor outflow is localized within the TM with the juxtacanalicular portion of the TM being the main site of outflow resistance.

What are the two natural aqueous outflow pathways?

The aqueous humor leaves the eye by passive flow via two pathways – the trabecular meshwork and the uveoscleral pathway. In humans, 75% of the resistance to aqueous humor outflow is localized within the TM with the juxtacanalicular portion of the TM being the main site of outflow resistance.

What is the main function of aqueous Humour?

Aqueous humor is the fluid produced by the eye. It provides nutrition to the eye, as well as maintains the eye in a pressurized state.

What is the purpose of aqueous humor?

Aqueous humor – the clear, watery fluid between the cornea and the front of the vitreous. The aqueous humor bathes and nourishes the lens and maintains pressure within the eye. Since the lens and cornea have no blood supply, the aqueous humor performs the blood’s job of carrying nutrients to those structures.

What is the main function of aqueous humour?

What is the function of aqueous humour?

What does the aqueous humour do? The aqueous humour plays an essential role in the health of your eye. As well as nourishing the cornea and the lens by supplying nutrition such as amino acids and glucose, the aqueous humour will: Maintain intraocular pressure.

What is Uveoscleral outflow?

The term uveoscleral outflow refers to the drainage of ocular aqueous humor from the anterior chamber into the anterior chamber angle other than through the trabecular meshwork (Figure). Unlike the trabecular outflow route, the uveoscleral outflow route is not a distinctive pathway with tubes and channels.

How is aqueous humour produced?

Aqueous humor is produced from the stromal fluid, mainly by energy-dependent active ion transport across the ciliary epithelium, followed by osmotic water movement, ultrafiltration, and diffusion. Aqueous production rate varies significantly between the waking and sleeping hours.

What is formed by aqueous humor filtration?

Aqueous humour is formed from the blood by filtration, secretion, and diffusion through the ciliary body, a muscular structure located behind the iris that controls the curvature of the lens. Aqueous humour leaves the eye through the porous trabecular meshwork and flows into Schlemm’s canal , a ringlike passageway around the outer angle of the anterior chamber in front of the iris.

What does an aqueous humour in the eye do?

Aqueous humor: In medicine, humor refers to a fluid (or semifluid) substance . Thus, the aqueous humor is the fluid normally present in the front and rear chambers of the eye . It is a clear, watery fluid that flows between and nourishes the lens and the cornea; it is secreted by the ciliary processes.

Which structure of the eye produces aqueous humor?

The ciliary body is a part of the eye that includes the ciliary muscle, which controls the shape of the lens, and the ciliary epithelium, which produces the aqueous humor. The vitreous humor is produced in the non-pigmented portion of the ciliary body.

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