What steps should be taken to stop brain drain in geography?

What steps should be taken to stop brain drain in geography?

What is the best way to stop Brain Drain?

  1. Rural Development − Villages form the soul of proper and effective development in India.
  2. Tackling under-employment − The companies recruiting employees should take utmost care to resolve any form of underemployment in their organization.

What is the role of brain drain in the contemporary world?

Brain drain is defined as the migration of health personnel in search of the better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and more stable political conditions in different places worldwide.

What are the positive effects of brain drain?

Positive effects of brain drain include : 1. Better employment opportunities for educated and skilled workers that may not be available in their own country. 2. The migrant’s country will prosper as more money foreign exchange will enter the country.

How brain drain affects a country?

Brain drain is a problem described as the process in which a country loses its most educated and talented workers to other countries through migration. Negative effects include loss of tax revenues by the home country, and a loss of key health and education service professionals.

What are the negative effects of brain drain?

Brain drain can have a negative impact on the sending region, such as reduction of human capital, limited capacity to innovate, reduced economic growth, demographic shifts, and a higher cost of public goods.

Which country has the most brain drain?

Iran: In 2006, the IMF ranked Iran the highest in brain drain among 90 countries (both developed and less developed), with over 180,000 people leaving each year due to a poor job market and oppressive social conditions.

What are the positive and negatives of brain drain?

Negative and positive effects of the brain drain The departure of skilled workers can weaken developing countries, especially smaller ones, by depriving them of important skills and workforce. This can prevent or limit innovation, business growth and national development.

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