Can a head injury cause speech problems?

Can a head injury cause speech problems?

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, causes damage to the brain that can result in speech, language, thinking, and swallowing problems. TBI can happen at any age. Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, can help.

Can a hit to the head cause speech delay?

People with dysfluent speech may repeat sounds, words, and syllables frequently. They may also experience dysarthria. This condition is the result of weakened oral motor muscles and difficulty controlling them. It can cause slurred speech, slow speech, and difficulty articulating.

What type of therapy is used for TBI?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most widely used treatment method for mental and emotional health. It is effective for treating TBI patients. CBT focuses on getting patients to understand why they behave in the way they do. At the root, CBT helps patients uncover distorted or unhealthy thinking patterns.

What part of the brain is responsible for speech?

left hemisphere
In general, the left hemisphere or side of the brain is responsible for language and speech. Because of this, it has been called the “dominant” hemisphere. The right hemisphere plays a large part in interpreting visual information and spatial processing.

How long after head injury can symptoms show up?

In most people, symptoms occur within the first seven to 10 days and go away within three months. Sometimes, they can persist for a year or more. The goal of treatment after concussion is to effectively manage your symptoms.

How long does a TBI take to heal?

With a concussion (mild TBI), most people recover most or all of their brain function within 3 months following injury, with most recovering sooner.

Why do some people who experience brain injury still able to understand others speech but is unable to talk?

It can also occur because of injury or weakness more directly affecting the muscles themselves. Dysarthria results in reduced control and clarity of speech. When dysarthria occurs in isolation, a person’s ability to speak will be impaired, but their ability to understand language and construct sentences will be intact.

What do speech and Language Therapists do for brain injuries?

Speech and language therapists work with adults who have acquired a brain injury. They: Reduce the barriers to interaction to individuals and their social environment. Speech and language therapists also work with children who have acquired a brain injury. They:

How does cognitive therapy help with brain injury?

Cognitive-communication therapy is crucial for helping brain injury patients regain conversation skills. Cognition – or thinking skills – are sometimes more subtle than overt language disorders that often are a primary focus of treatment in speech therapy. However, cognition is just as important as the physical ability to produce words.

Can a person with a brain injury still communicate?

After a brain injury, all these skills can become impaired. Therefore, even if a person has no difficulty with the physical side of speech, they can still struggle to communicate effectively. That’s where cognitive-communication activities come in.

What to do if you have a traumatic brain injury?

Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, can help. Visit ASHA ProFind to locate a professional in your area. TBI is a brain injury that can happen from a bump or blow to the head or when an object goes through the skull and into the brain. No matter what type of TBI you have, damage to your brain happens right away.

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