Can councils share information?

Can councils share information?

Councils should only share the minimum amount of personal data that is needed to help your council achieve its purpose. Sharing more information than is needed may be considered excessive and in contravention of UK GDPR.

Do HMRC and councils share information?

All disclosures of HMRC information must be lawful. To be lawful, HMRC may only share information with local authorities through a legal gateway.

Does HMRC apply GDPR?

HMRC is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you in accordance with data protection law, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR ) and the Data Protection Act ( DPA ) 2018.

Is council tax connected to HMRC?

In 2019, 29 councils agreed to share data with HMRC about Council Tax debt. HMRC , as joint data controller to these agreements, has published the business cases and Data Protection Impact Assessments for these pilots.

What is not covered by UK GDPR?

This is simply because they are not covered by the UK GDPR. Here are some examples: Domestic purposes – personal data processed in the course of a purely personal or household activity, with no connection to a professional or commercial activity, is outside the UK GDPR’s scope.

Do DWP do random checks?

The DWP can carry out a random check on anybody’s claim at any time but these are quite rare. Being reported to the Fraud Line is a separate issue as is the process that follows.

How is data sharing used in local government?

Data sharing is a concept that is often used by local partners to describe a wide range of sharing of information between one organisation and another. 2.4.

Why do I need a council tax privacy notice?

This notice provides details of how the Council’s Council Tax department collects and uses information about you in line with its statutory duties. The Council has a lawful basis for collecting information about you for this purpose under Compliance with a Legal Obligation and Public Task.

When did new data sharing guidance come out?

Replaced guidance with revised version incorporating the HB/CTB A5/2012 and A9/2013 circulars and a new chapter on the extended data sharing powers included in the Welfare Reform Act 2012, and associated 2013 regulations. First published.

When did local authorities start sharing personal information?

This document updates guidance previously published in August 2010. It aims to help local authorities ( LAs) decide whether they can use a claimant’s personal information which has been obtained for the purpose of administering social security benefits, to help improve delivery of other locally–managed services and benefits.

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