Can I buy Austrian vignette online?

Can I buy Austrian vignette online?

You can now order your vignette online on our website in less than 5 minutes. Your vignette will be delivered within less than 2 hours and will immediately be available. There is a 10 day, 2 month and annual vignette available. Easy to order Ordering your vignette easily in English.

How do you get a vignette in Slovenian?

You can purchase vignettes at all petrol stations in Slovenia and in neighbouring countries as well as at branches of national and foreign automobile clubs, at post offices in Slovenia and at some kiosks.

How is vignette checked in Austria?

On multi-lane toll roads in Austria, cameras are used to check for vignettes. You may spot them on gantries spanning the motorway. According to Asfinag, the nine camera systems which are currently in use are moved to different locations every seven to 14 days.

Where can I buy an Austrian motorway vignette?

The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker

  • Physical Toll Sticker. Physical stickers can be obtained from the Austrian Automobile Clubs as well as post offices, newsagents, and petrol stations.
  • Digital Toll Sticker. A digital version of the toll sticker is now available.

Do I need to pay toll in Austria?

The toll sticker has been compulsory on Austria’s motorways and expressways since 1997. All cars, motorbikes and camper vans up to 3.5 mpw (maximum permissible weight) must properly display a toll sticker or have purchased online in time a digital vignette when they drive onto a motorway or expressway.

Where can I buy a vignette?

The vignette is sold in the form of a sticker and can be bought at the common points of sale such as petrol stations, post offices, etc.

Do we need vignette in Slovenia?

On which roads is the vignette mandatory? Vignette for motorcycles and vehicles up to 3.5 t is mandatory in Slovenia on most motorways and expressways. Toll road map can be viewed in the FAQ at

Is there a vignette in Slovenia?

The vignette is a tolling sticker that enables usage of Slovenian motorways and expressways during a limited time period to all drivers of vehicles whose maximum permissible weight is up to 3.5 tonnes. After the introduction of the vignette on 1 July 2008, more drivers have started to use the motorway network.

How much does a vignette cost in Austria?

Prices for an Austrian passenger-car vignette range from 9.20 euros (ca. $10.00) for a 10-day sticker to 89.20 euros ($101.00) for a year (for vehicles up to 3.5 tons). * Motor homes and large vehicles over 3.5 tons must have a so-called “GO-Box” that tracks your actual mileage.

How do you pay for an Austrian motorway?

There are generally no booths or barriers collecting toll payments. Instead, you need to buy a physical or digital toll sticker (German: Vignette or Autobahnpickerl) before driving on a motorway or expressway with a car or motorcycle. Heavier vehicles (over 3.5t maximum permissible weight, such as buses, lorries etc.)

Do you need a vignette to drive through Austria?

Can I drive in Switzerland without a vignette?

Driving in Switzerland without the vignette You’re allowed to drive without the vignette if you avoid the motorways. Avoiding the motorways takes extra time. Also, more concentrated driving is required because you will instead be using regional roads.

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