Do we need representation by population in Confederation?

Do we need representation by population in Confederation?

It upholds a basic principle of parliamentary democracy that all votes should be counted equally. Representation by population was a deeply divisive issue among politicians in the Province of Canada (1841–67). Nicknamed “rep by pop,” it became an important consideration in the lead up to Confederation.

What colonies wanted pop rep?

Then in 1850’s the population of Canada West began to outgrow that of Canada East. Canada West demanded more seats. They wanted rep by pop.

Was Quebec for or against Confederation?

As a self-governing province, Québec could safeguard French Canadian interests. Confederation would strengthen the wider economy. Britain had supported the losing South in the American Civil War, and some Canadians feared the victorious North would attack Canada in revenge.

Who led Quebec into Confederation in Canada?

Sir George-Étienne Cartier
Macdonald Day. His portrait is on the $10 bill. Sir George-Étienne Cartier was the key architect of Confederation from Quebec.

What was the purpose of the Quebec Conference?

The Quebec Conference was held from October 10 to 24, 1864 to discuss a proposed Canadian confederation. It was in response to the shift in political ground when the United Kingdom and the United States had come very close to engaging in war with each other.

What do you mean by confederation?

Confederation, primarily any league or union of people or bodies of people. The term in modern political use is generally confined to a permanent union of sovereign states for certain common purposes—e.g., the German Confederation established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

What were the 6 reasons for confederation?

reasons for Confederation.

  • Political Deadlock. Canada West and Canada East had an equal number of representatives in the Legislative Assembly.
  • American Expansion.
  • A railway from east to west was needed.
  • Great Britain wanted to break some ties.
  • Cancellation of the Reciprocity Treaty.
  • Expansion to the West.

What were the 6 main reasons for confederation?

What are the 5 factors of confederation?

Political deadlock There were five main factors of confederation. They are “the railways, changing British attitudes, threat of American invasion, political deadlock and cancellation of the reciprocity treaty.

Who went to the Quebec Conference?

The conference involved 32 delegates from various regions of Canada. The meeting included members from Canada East- George-Étienne Cartier, Étienne-Paschal Taché as well as Thomas D’Arcy McGee. Those from Canada West included George Brown and John A.

Why was Rep by pop introduced in Canada?

Rep by Pop was once again a hotly debated issue. The Maritime provinces , with their relatively small populations, were aware that Rep by Pop was inevitable in any federal assembly. They realized that sectional equality with the much larger Canadian provinces would be unmanageable.

Why was there a conflict over Rep by pop?

Naturally, Quebec proceeded to clamour for rep by pop, the American heresy that was sweeping northward across the border. Naturally, Ontario proceeded to resist it. Thus Canadian history began in conflict over rep by pop, a conflict that continues to this day.

What did MacDonald say about Rep by pop?

So much, he essentially said, for the American experiment in rep by pop. He spoke as a 19th-century imperialist. As historian Donald Creighton put it, Macdonald insisted that “all of the functions and powers of sovereignty” must be held in a federal state by the central government.

Why was representation by population important to Canada?

It upholds a basic principle of parliamentary democracy that all votes should be counted equally. Representation by population was a deeply divisive issue among politicians in the Province of Canada (1841–67).

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