How big does a green bottle blue tarantula get?
The Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. Also known as the Green Bottle Blue Tarantula or the GBB. This is a New World, semi-arboreal tarantula that comes from Northern Venezuela, Paraguana region. They are considered to have a medium growth rate and reach a leg span from 4.5-6 in when full grown.
Can green bottle blue tarantulas live together?
The Green Bottle Blue Tarantula does best on its own in the confines of a tank or enclosure. Keeping more than one together will likely result in death to one of them. You can put a male and female together if you want to breed them.
How long does it take for a green bottle blue tarantula to mature?
The GBB is a skittish/nervous species that will stay out in the open in captivity and create silk-lined resting places or tube-like retreats. It is very fast growing and males may mature in as little as eighteen months.
How fast does a green bottle blue grow?
With constant feeding, and with temperatures in the low 80’s, they will reach a size of four inches within three years. Adult Size: They get five inches (12.7cm).
Can you hold a GBB tarantula?
The can be skittish but inquisitive which leads them to bite repeatedly but I’ve never seen any aggression apart from the female to the male for breeding – these are exceptionally hard to breed. Handling tarantula isn’t recommend as they’re too fragile.
Are green bottle blue tarantulas good for beginners?
Yes – with just a light venom and a mild manner, this tarantula is excellent for beginners. The lifespan of the green bottle blue is also pretty nice for a pet. Females tend to live between 12 and 14 years and males – between 8 and 10 years.
Where are green bottle blue tarantulas from?
They are native to the Paraguaná Peninsula. They live in webbed burrows under bushes and tree roots in desert areas of northern Venezuela. The entrance is often extended with webbing, sometimes resembling a funnel shape. These webs may protect the entrance from the harsh desert climate and act as a trap for insects.
Are there any green tarantulas?
Commonly known as greenbottle blue tarantulas due to their metallic blue legs and blue-green carapace, they are very active and fast-growing tarantulas that are particularly attractive to hobbyists….
Greenbottle blue tarantula | |
Species: | C. cyaneopubescens |
Binomial name | |
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Strand, 1907) |
What kind of tarantula is a green bottle blue?
The Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens also known as the Green bottle Blue Tarantula, is a very colorful species of tarantula. As you can see with the picture to the left, its vibrant and vivid colors such as the metallic blue legs and the orange abdomen makes it hard to miss. It’s no wonder this beautiful species is also known as the Greenbottle blue.
How big does a tarantula grow in a year?
Growth Rate: The growth rate of this species is medium. I purchased this tarantula as a juvenile of one inch (2.54cm) . After the first year, she had grown to two and one-half inches (3.81cm). With constant feeding, and with temperatures in the low 80’s, they will reach a size of four inches within three years.
How long does an orange bottlebrush tarantula live?
Quick Facts Other names Orange Bottlebrush tarantula, Venezuelan Lifespan Males: 4 years Females: 12 to 14 years Distribution Paraguana peninsula and the Venezuelan s Habitat Webbed burrows below tree roots and bush Diet Crickets, scorpions, beetles, worms
How big does a little greenbottle blue get?
Grown-up females may achieve 15 cm in leg traverse and weigh more than 28g whereas male greenbottle achieve 11 cm. Little greenbottle blues are 12 mm during childbirth. Begins in Paraguana, Bird of prey State, Venezuela; along the Paraguarí Waterway and in xenophile (dry) shrubbery ranges in Venezuela.