How do I get Indian money?

How do I get Indian money?

Every tribe has their own specific requirements, but mostly you’ll need to provide:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Social Security Card.
  3. Proof of lineage – usually going back three generations and/ or having a parent enrolled with the tribe.
  4. Application fee – which can run from $5 to $20.

What is A Kennerly letter?

Kennerly Letter is the notification to the account holder that a decision has been made by the OIC to supervise the IIM account. This ensures due process, including notification of the right to appeal the decision.

How do I apply for Native American money?

Applicants can apply for assistance at the nearest BIA operated or tribal social service provider. To obtain information on how to find a provider in your area, please contact the nearest BIA regional office.

What is Individual Indian Money?

An Individual Indian Money (IIM) account is an interest-bearing account managed by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) on behalf of an individual who has money or other assets held in trust for them by the Federal government.

What is the currency in India?

Indian rupee

How do I access my IIM account?

The individual may obtain a statement of their IIM account directly from the Office of Trust Funds Management through the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) by requesting the information in person or by making a telephone request.

What did Elouise Cobell prove?

He said Mrs. Cobell was “able to demonstrate in court that the mismanagement was profound — that, in some instances, monies which should have been credited to accounts never showed up.”

How do I find out if I am eligible for Indian money?

If the end goal for doing such research is to help you determine if you are eligible for membership in a tribe, you must be able to: 1) establish that you have a lineal ancestor – biological parent, grandparent, great-grandparent and/or more distant ancestor – who is an American Indian or Alaska Native person from a …

What is an individual Indian money ( IIM ) account?

What is an IIM Account? An Individual Indian Money (IIM) account is an interest-bearing account managed by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) on behalf of an individual who has money or other assets held in trust for them by the Federal government. You might have an IIM account because:

Why do I have an individual Indian money account?

An Individual Indian Money (IIM) account is an interest-bearing account managed by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) on behalf of an individual who has money or other assets held in trust for them by the Federal government. You might have an IIM account because: You inherited the land through probate.

What are the regulations for the IIM program?

The IIM program is authorized under 25 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 115 and 25 CFR Part 20, Financial Assistance and Social Services, Subpart D – Services to Children, Elderly, and Families.

Who is responsible for social services for IIM?

The Division of Human Social Services is responsible for coordinating social services for IIM activities through the Regional IIM Social Worker possessing a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree.

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