How do you beat Wheatley level in portal 2?

How do you beat Wheatley level in portal 2?

Hide behind the Conversion Gel pipe and wait for Wheatley to start throwing bombs. Shoot a portal on the floor near yourself and the other one on one of the panels hanging from the ceiling. Go stand behind the portal on the floor, so the bomb goes in the portal and hits Wheatley.

How many Wheatley tests are there?

19 Test Chambers
Wheatley’s testing track is the testing track created by Wheatley during Chell’s journey through Test Shaft 09. It is made of 19 Test Chambers.

Why was Wheatley created?

According to GLaDOS, Wheatley was originally designed by the Aperture technicians as an “Intelligence Dampening Sphere.” His intended function was to render GLaDOS less dangerous by generating a constant stream of stupid ideas, thereby distracting her and hampering her decision-making process in hopes that she would …

Where do you find Wheatley in Portal 2?

So we are back in the newer part of the the Aperture Science Labs. Go through the door and follow the walkway until you are in this small control room above the test chamber. Wheatley is babbeling something, he probably desperately and most of all unsuccessfully tries to teach the crippled cubes some tricks.

What happens in the itch walkthrough in Portal 2?

But Wheatley is not only stupid but also lazy, so he makes you solve this chamber again. Do the same as you did just seconds ago and then you can exit to an elevator to more of Wheatley’s test chambers. Again chamber number 01, but this time it’s more interesting than the last Chamber 01.

Where do you exit the portal in Portal 2?

Portal over to the switch and exit through the giftshop, no, through the exit. But Wheatley is not only stupid but also lazy, so he makes you solve this chamber again. Do the same as you did just seconds ago and then you can exit to an elevator to more of Wheatley’s test chambers.

Where do you put the cube in Portal 2?

Grab the cube out of the beam as it moves by and put it under the red switch in the ceiling. Now all you have to do is move the cube towards the red switch with another orange portal directly under it so that the transport beam reaches the cube and presses it against the switch on the ceiling.

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