How long can you park at Oshawa GO station?
48 hours
Driving & Parking You may park in any free (non-reserved) parking space for a maximum of 48 hours. Find out more about Free Parking at GO Transit stations.
How much is parking at Oshawa GO station?
Parking is free, just try to park close to the station for security. However, GO only allows maximum 48 hours parking. Not sure if it is enforced. I’ve done as much as 72 hours with no problem, but that’s not a guarantee…
Is there parking at Oshawa GO station?
With the Oshawa GO Station parking lot at capacity, area residents now have the option of parking at the Park and Ride facility south of downtown Oshawa, located at First Avenue and Front Street, and taking a GO bus to the Oshawa GO station. View the full GO schedule for this location.
What is reserved parking lot?
Reserved parking means any parking spaces located in any Parking Facility that Authority has designated for special user groups. Reserved parking means a parking space reserved for a special or exclusive use as indicated by a traffic control device.
Is parking free at Port Credit GO?
Free carpool parking available before 9:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, excluding holidays (special permit required). Parking space can be rent for a minimum of 6 months. After the first 6 months, your reserved parking will automatically renew on a month-to-month basis.
Is the GO Train free?
Travelling on the GO is even easier and more affordable since kids 12 and under always ride free on all GO Trains and Buses! We take your safety seriously.
Is parking free in downtown Oshawa?
While parking is free, the posted time limits for parking still apply. Monthly parking rates still apply for monthly permits and short-term parking rates still apply at parking lot 16 and parkades 1 and 3. For more information on parking downtown, visit
What is a parking slot?
Parking Slot – a section in the parking lot for one vehicle.
What does yellow parking lot mean?
Yellow lots are found in car parks located within the Restricted Zone. You have to pay a higher parking fee of $1.20 per half hour if you park at these car lots between 7:00am and 5:00pm, Mondays to Saturdays.
Does Port Credit GO have parking?
The tunnels, bike shelter and pedestrian pathways will be maintained for your use. Customers parking in the south parking lot can still access it via Ann Street and Queen Street.
Is there free parking at Long Branch GO station?
Free carpool parking available before 9:30 a.m. (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) and on the days which you carpool—when you drive with one or more passengers.
Where is the park and ride in Oshawa?
With the Oshawa GO Station parking lot at capacity, area residents now have the option of parking at the Park and Ride facility south of downtown Oshawa, located at First Avenue and Front Street , and taking a GO bus to the Oshawa GO station. View the full GO schedule for this location.
Is there parking at the Oshawa GO Station?
It is also a GO transit station as well. There is a ton of parking, however, leaving your car for a few days may encourage people to break in. Not that it happens all the time, but you can’t tell. Parking is free, just try to park close to the station for security.
How much does it cost to Park a bike at a GO Station?
Reserved bicycle parking lets you rent a space for your bike in the bicycle area at selected GO stations for a 1-year period. See if your station offers reserved bicycle parking, and then you can apply online. You’ll get a space if one is available. A reserved bicycle parking space costs $50 per year, including HST.
When is reserved parking at Port Credit and Oshawa?
During the pilot, reserved parking hours at Port Credit and Oshawa will be from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday; use of the spaces by non-reserved parking customers during this time may lead to the vehicle being ticketed and towed at the vehicle owners’ expense.